Our world is infected with toxins, dangerous strains of bacteria, and mysterious bugaboos that didn’t exist on this planet a mere hundred years ago. The exposure to organisms of previously unknown origin has caused untold suffering to many people worldwide, who have contracted unique strains of illness (apparently manufactured by laboratory workers).
Our cultures are infested with this viral spread of unwellness, and as modern medicine is prescribed to treat it, other potential symptoms emerge that nobody in their right mind would have agreed to. Read the small print or listen to the fast-talking list of possible side effects from taking the medication, which eliminates one pressing symptom but could present many others, some much more severe, especially after extensive use. Almost all of them mention death as a possible side effect of taking that compound/medication as directed.
It’s as if biological warfare has been declared on the human race by the biggest money-generating businesses in the United States and the world. These industries are responsible for infecting the masses with every possible bacterium, parasite, toxin, and virus. Some of these pathogens lead directly to the end of life, and others operate on a time-release method so they do cause pain, suffering, deterioration, and ultimately death over a longer period of time.
Time-Released Death Cells
The wealthiest industries prefer to infect unsuspecting human bodies with time-release killers that act slowly and present the human body with varying symptoms and sustained deterioration over time. This is an effective long-range goal that will create a steady flow of paying customers, either paying out of pocket or subsidized by insurance benefits as symptoms increase and effectively reduces the population over time.
Some of these pathogens are too aggressive. How can you make any money from someone who dies quickly or instantly? There is little profit in that. It makes much more sense to take them out a little at a time by draining any life and finances from the declining population slowly but surely.
The aggressive pathogens are failed biological experiments and have spread out of control rapidly. These killing compounds can be found in our environment regularly. These are everywhere throughout the food and water supply.
Each food processing plant and commercial kitchen uses chlorine dioxide to sanitize the food. Almost everything you eat is touched by it, and it keeps your food safe. If you eat freshly purchased raw vegetables from the store, you probably ingest chlorine dioxide because it is permitted for this use by the FDA. It is beneficial when you get it from the store, but its pathogen-killing ability fades over time.
You Must Protect Yourself from These Deadly Pathogens
That’s where chlorine dioxide comes in for industries that provide us with food, lodging, and healthcare services. Industrially, there is no more powerful pathogen killer than chlorine dioxide. The rampant biological weapons that are running amok must be eliminated, if possible. These failed bio-warfare experiments can be killed instantly or within minutes by chlorine dioxide.
That is why almost all food, including meats, poultry, fish, dairy, and beverages are treated with chlorine dioxide, including your drinking water to keep you safe from a toxic overload that could severely compromise your health or cause death prematurely. For over a hundred years, chlorine dioxide has been renowned for its ability to take out these toxins before compromising the lives of unsuspecting victims.
If you’ve eaten in a restaurant or bought grocery store food in the last 40 years or consumed commercial tap water, you’ve already taken chlorine dioxide.
Military Use of Chlorine Dioxide
There are three major functions of chlorine dioxide in the military.
- Water Purification
- Decontamination
- Biocide
Military Water Purification
When soldiers are out in the field, they may need to use freestanding water to stay hydrated. To keep them from dying, they are provided with a two-part formula to create chlorine dioxide to disinfect the water and make it drinkable. The two-part configuration is convenient in that it has a nearly unlimited shelf life and fits easily in a soldier’s pack.

Military Decontamination
Soldiers that have been exposed to and are at risk of being contaminated by some biological weapon are treated in a decontamination chamber or sally port, where they are sprayed down with what? (You guessed it.) Chlorine dioxide.
Now you know what they are being sprayed with inside decontamination chambers in the movies. The military has a huge investment in these soldiers, you know they are going to do everything they can to protect their investment.
Military Biocide
Chlorine dioxide is also the military biocide spray used to treat food, food prep areas, and equipment to keep soldiers healthy and safe from contaminants and viruses.
What if Your Body is Already Toxic?
The proliferation of these metamorphic cellular attackers has reached critical mass and there are very few, if not all of us, that have accumulated a dangerous store of these viruses and toxins in our bodies from the food we eat, the water that we drink, and the air that we breathe, not counting the “accidental” release of dangerous chemicals that are polluting the environment and our bodies.
Think about it, if we could relatively easily and inexpensively rid our bodies of these critters that have taken up residence within us over time, then our bodies would be able to recover their health naturally if we haven’t waited too long and still have enough immunity and life force left to recover.
These destructive toxins have been building up regularly with cumulative effects over time. But we could do something about it by killing them instead of them killing us. But this war must be fought inside the body because they thrive while we deteriorate.
That’s what Jim Humble discovered by accident and has spent the rest of his life trying to get the word out to those with ears to hear. Many have listened to his claims and violently attacked him to silence his voice and to date, they have not been able to squelch his message. You can see for yourself by reading his MMS Health Recovery Guidebook (2016) by Jim Humble. He nicknamed chlorine dioxide MMS, which stands for Miracle Mineral Solution, which is what he considers it to be.
You won’t find his book on Amazon because it has been banned. You also won’t find his research data or information on Google as this information has been scrubbed from Google search results. You can find his book being sold by independent booksellers and you can find out more information by using other search engines that are not heavily filtered, like Google.
Humble’s premise is so simple, since the body is up to 60 to 65% water, to purify the water inside the body in much the same way most municipal water distribution facilities do around the world, with chlorine dioxide.
Millions of volunteers suffering from untreatable chronic deadly diseases recovered rapidly, within months or years, and here’s the surprising news, 100 percent of these volunteers were rewarded with health, wellness, vitality, higher quality of life, and longevity. Essentially a new lease on life, when previously, they were serving a life sentence of being victimized by the toxins that were robbing them of their health.
The FDA Declares War on MMS
As Humble enthusiastically continued to spread the word about MMS, his nickname for chlorine dioxide, the FDA gathered up all their media resources to discredit and defame Humble in an effort to silence him, or at least make nearly anyone question what he said.
This propaganda campaign was hugely effective, and most people believed the accusations, of his being a crazy pathological non-religious preacher that fleeced the elderly and dying of their end-of-life finances while making them drink bleach, which is absurd on two counts,
- Bleach is an entirely different compound, and
- A six-month supply is less than $50.00.
‘All things are poison and nothing is without’ poison; The dose alone makes a thing not poison. ― Paracelsus (1493 to 1541), Swiss physician, alchemist, and philosopher So, going beyond what experience and good sense dictate will make any curative agent into a poison. There is no way anyone can be poisoned back to health. You should simply be using a tiny amount of poison to kill the tiny scavengers that are releasing their waste in your body so the body itself can bring you back to health. |
Still, thousands of people purified their drinking water and began to recover from the diseases that were designed to kill them, though far less than before the government’s smear campaign.
Clearly, these health restoration results are not being seen in the medical ranks.
Countless people have benefited from this natural, cost-efficient compound in their pursuit of optimum health. Although not medically proven, many individuals have reported remarkable results following an MMS regimen for a potentially life-threatening condition or diagnosis.
Widespread Chlorine Dioxide Use Could Lead to the
Collapse of the Multi-Billion Dollar Medical Industry
It is likely, however, that such an inexpensive, health-promoting solution, such as chlorine dioxide or MMS, would lead to the collapse of a multibillion-dollar medical industry if this were true. You should be warned, however, that if you begin taking responsibility for taking your life back with a cheap, dramatic, healthy solution, such as chlorine dioxide, you will not receive much support from the medical community, and even your normally friendly doctor may become irritated with you or hostile.
As Without, So It is Within
Chlorine dioxide has the ability to effectively eliminate viruses, bacteria, heavy metals and any other kind of microorganisms regardless of what you might call the parasitic attackers, inside the body just as effectively as it does outside the body, without harming beneficial bacteria or healthy human cells, or leaving contaminants from waste materials to pollute the body, like other known sanitizers do.

Paris Humble
As much as we’d like to believe that Jim Humble was a kook for claiming that millions of people claim they were “cured” from incurable deadly diseases and various maladies, I find it quite impressive that his daughter, Paris Humble is following in her father’s footsteps proclaiming that a simple effective water purifier can have a massive effect on the sick and elderly.
She verifies, as a young witness of her father’s expectations being realized 100%, that not one person who ever tried MMS did not experience a miraculous result. She has written her own book, Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, which was also banned on Amazon, to help support her father’s discoveries and spread the word.
As for me, both my wife and I got rid of chronic Lyme disease several years ago using chlorine dioxide, and have detailed my experience in Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies, which is available on Amazon.
Considering these impressive claims. What are your thoughts?
~ Herb Roi Richards