the United States of America

If you live in any one of the 50 states I would bet you believe the land where you live is part of the United States of America. Nothing could be farther from the truth because the United States of America is a contract (it is not a piece of land), it is a simple group of words written on paper that anyone with a sixth-grade education and a dictionary can understand.

Think you live in the United States of America?  Think again.

That contract constitutes (makes up) the country and that’s why it is called the Constitution for the United States of America, or referred to as the Constitution for short.

If the provisions of that contract are not followed to the letter we are not really living in the United States of America, even though we have not moved.

The vision held by our Founding Fathers, characterized by limited government, individual liberty, and constitutional adherence, has seemingly eroded over time.

I have never had the privilege of actually living in the United States of America and I’ve been around 94 years so far, so I’d wager neither you, your parents, or your grandparents have either.

The American cultural and educational decline plagues our country. Imposed values, a biased mainstream media, and a failing education system that neglects essential civic education all contribute to a weakening of the social fabric and disinterest in the principles that once united Americans.

What we have here is a pretend government that on the surface has often seemed real.

Even back in the days when Woodrow Wilson was president, he had a handler by the name of Colonel Wendel House who told him what to say and do to sneak past the provisions of the country’s contract and not get caught. If I remember correctly, Henry Kissinger was the handler of some of our more recent presidents. You may remember one of his more famous quotes that goes something like this,

Most people are just useless eaters.

That will give you some idea of what these people we let run our show think about us.

That is why legislation makes vaccine manufacturers immune from lawsuits.

They don’t care how many of our children are crippled for life, get autism, or become sterile, and many of them consider it a bonus if the children die from their impure drugs. Remember, it’s no big deal because they would have probably just been a useless eater anyway.

If we ever hope to reach our potential, we need to kick all of those bums out and get back to following the contract and actually start living in the United States of America, like many people think we do now.

To make this change we must get rid of the whole class of career politicians and run a government by ordinary people who are able to think for themselves, so they can’t be bought by special interests.

One of the first things to do will be to put together a sound monetary system that has an undisputed value in its own right and loosen the financial chokehold government has over Americans. When outsiders own the money, they ultimately call the shots.

The free market system, one of the cornerstones of America’s prosperity, has been increasingly undermined. Excessive regulations, interventionist policies, and crony capitalism have distorted the playing field, hindering economic growth, stifling innovation, and burdening hardworking Americans. By reducing regulations, lowering taxes, and encouraging entrepreneurship and free market competition we can generate economic growth and prosperity for all Americans, not just the fat cats.

Second, do not let anything be done in government that doesn’t make common sense. Let’s help to put life back into the United States of America. Excessive government intervention and regulations have spiraled out of control and infringed upon our personal freedoms, such as freedom of speech and religious expression, as well as other rights that have been taken from us because we’ve been convinced that we are incapable of taking care of ourselves.

I’d like to see increased opportunities for ordinary citizens to engage in government and politics, and more grassroots movements, supporting initiatives that enhance civic education, and promote transparency and accessibility in the political process.

The time has come for returning power to the people and supporting an empowered culture of personal responsibility are vital components of reclaiming American freedoms. Maybe I think you would make an awesome judge or congressperson. You should never be made to feel like such an office or service would be outside your reach.

I encourage you to research this subject, just like I have, and put your conclusions in the comment section below.


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