Finding Natural Alternatives for Cancers and Heart Disease

I lost my first wife to cancer treatment. This made me want to find other ways to help people, so I studied hard and got a Ph.D. in natural nutrition. I keep learning more about natural ways to stay healthy, and the more I learn, the less I trust the big medical and drug companies in America.

Cancer Treatment and Surgery

Doctors often recommend surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation for cancer. However, some people question these approaches. Doctors push painful yet profitable for the medical industry treatments with uncertain benefits. Breast cancer, for example, sometimes leads to disfiguring surgeries. But is there a better way?

Breast Cancer and Unnecessary Surgeries

It makes me very sad to hear about women having big, painful surgeries because their doctors told them to. These surgeries often do more harm than good and seem more about making money than helping people.

For example, there’s no proof that removing the whole breast (a radical mastectomy) is better than just removing the lump (a lumpectomy). Studies from Illinois and Britain, some from as far back as the 1960s, show that both surgeries have the same survival rates.

Even though the National Institute of Health tells doctors to use less invasive surgeries for small tumors, many still perform the bigger, more expensive, disfiguring, and more profitable surgeries at ten times the cost. Even so, the body choppers are still doing their dirty work.

Heart Procedures and Their Problems

Heart surgeries and procedures can be just as problematic. They don’t fix the real issue, which is often fatty deposits, parasites or their waste in the heart. New fat replaces that which was removed, parasites continue to multiply and excrete their toxic waste (poop), when it builds up to a certain degree, you’re in trouble again, just like before.

Simply moving blood vessels around doesn’t solve the problem, and many people end up needing more surgery or worse, they might not survive long after the previous one. It never ends until you die expensively.

The Risks of Radiation and Chemotherapy

Radiation and chemotherapy for cancer are also very risky. They cause torturous pain and have very low success rates, 8% at best. Many studies show that these treatments only help an even lower percentage of people, and any thinking person instinctively knows you can’t be poisoned back to health.

Doctors will tell you, “You have six months to live, but this treatment might give you more time.” They might add, “It will be painful and expensive, but it will be worth it.” And you agree because unless you’re already depressed and suicidal, you want more time! You think of all the things that you haven’t done in your life yet.

The treatment does not often work. It’s important to do your own research before agreeing to these treatments.

What Can You Do?

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in the U.S., followed by cancer and medical treatments. Many people are finding natural alternatives that can help. You will find many options if you search online for natural ways to treat your condition. Use different search engines to find the best information, as censors might hide some results.

What Are You Going to Do?

Don’t just trust doctors without doing your own research. There are many natural alternatives out there that can help without the pain and risk of surgeries and harsh treatments. Take control of your health and find what works best for you.

Always consult a natural healthcare professional before making final decisions about your health.

I’m just saying…

If it was your faithful dog who was sick, would you allow anyone to torture her in this way?

Remember, we are not our body! It is only a special suit of clothes we wear, so we can experience the third dimension.

If we give that suit the proper clean fuel (real food), it can be fun to wear for over 100 years. So far, mine has gotten me 95 years of mostly enjoyment.

Over the years, you may have been fed the propaganda that when your body dies, you are dead. Since we are now privileged to have the Internet, anyone can go to YouTube and put near-death experience in the search bar.

You will find multitudes of people explaining what happened to them during an accident, etc.

With all of that information, body death is no longer the scary thing it used to be.


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