Why Are Americans So Sick?

It’s no secret that many Americans are sick, but the real question is: Why? The truth is that our healthcare system has been hacked by those who care more about making money than making us healthy. They do it by establishing a system whereby they (1) maintain a profitable level of illness, (2) merchandise medications for profit, (3) con Americans into staying sick, and (4) medically torture patients over time.

Maintain a Profitable Level of Illness

In America, the healthcare system is designed to keep people sick. Doctors are often trained to prescribe medications that make us feel better temporarily, but these selling-sickness-medications don’t cure the disease. Instead, they keep us on a cycle of sickness, where we rely on more and more pills.

Merchandise Medications for Profit

We’re constantly bombarded with advertisements telling us that the latest drug is the solution to our problems. But these drugs often come with side effects and don’t address the root causes of our illnesses. Instead of getting better, we stay sick – and the pharmaceutical companies get richer.

The Healthcare Con Job

The healthcare industry is like a rigged game. They con us into keeping ourselves sick, which means more money in their pockets. So, they push treatments that manage symptoms instead of curing diseases, making sure we keep coming back for more.

USA-Authorized Medical Torture

While other countries focus on actually curing diseases, the American healthcare system often ignores or suppresses treatments that could make us well, in a sort of government-authorized torture of American citizens. Even though we live in the most powerful country with the best and most expensive medical resources, the American population is treated to stay sick, age early, and die while being pumped full of poisons. Why? Because there’s no profit in a healthy population.

What If You Could Choose Not to Be Sick?

The good news is that you don’t have to play their game. You can choose a different path. Here’s how:

Question American Medicine

Don’t just accept the medications your doctor prescribes. Ask questions, do your research, and look for treatments that address the root cause of your illness.

Conduct Your Research

Explore natural and holistic treatments and focus on eliminating diseases rather than just managing symptoms. Many of these treatments are used successfully in other countries.

Get to Know Your Body

Learn about your body and how to keep it healthy. The more you know, the less you will be fooled by the marketing tricks of the healthcare industry.

Take Responsibility for Your Health

Eat real food, exercise regularly, and find ways to reduce stress. These simple changes can make a big difference in your health and help you avoid the traps set by the healthcare system.

Make a Stand

Don’t settle for a system that puts profits over people. Advocate for a healthcare system that truly works to make you well, not just keep you coming back for more treatments.

You Have the Power

The American healthcare system may be stacked against you, but you don’t have to accept it. By making informed choices and seeking out real solutions, you can choose not to be sick. Don’t let the money-grubbing power-mongers decide your fate – you have the power to take control of your health and live a better life.


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