If you’re aging, you can either accept the common narrative pushed by society and modern medicine—that your physiology and psychology inevitably decline with age—or choose a different path. You can embrace a mindset that promotes aging gracefully, becoming sharper in all areas of your life. This anti-aging lifestyle isn’t just a dream; it’s a choice.

Believing in decline can turn into a self-fulfilling prophecy, making aging a challenge. However, if you adopt an anti-aging mindset, you’ll find that age is truly just a number. I’m living proof. At 95, you’ll find me walking up mountains, riding motorcycles, operating heavy equipment, inventing in my shop, training, and coaching others.
I’ve seen many friends and loved ones decay in old age, and it breaks my heart. But aging is a choice. You can choose to age gracefully, or you can choose to decline. Either way, I honor your journey. It saddens me to see people move into managed care facilities and attend their funerals when they could have chosen to live vibrantly as they aged.
What About Sex?
Young people cringe when elders talk about sex, yet a common concern for those advancing in age is reduced libido or sexual functionality. If you desire an exciting sexual life as you age, it’s possible. There are many ways to enhance your sexuality as you grow older. Free radicals increase as natural hormones fade, but boosting these hormones to youthful levels is possible. Antioxidants are a simple solution to reduce free radical damage, rejuvenating libido and sexual functionality.
Doctors Orders: Sexual activity twice a month into advanced age does amazing things to heal and grow the body and mind younger.
For men, rigorous activity and weightlifting can trick the body into thinking it’s younger, increasing testosterone levels. Be cautious of medications prescribed for aging individuals, as they often reduce healthy sexual hormones and can lead to impotence. Diseases like diabetes and mental disorders such as depression or stress also impact sexual desire and function. As a natural nutritionist, I know a few dietary tweaks can resolve these issues.
Mental health cannot be truly healed by prescriptions alone. Pharmaceuticals often mask the symptoms but do not address the underlying dietary imbalances. When your body isn’t functioning correctly, it robs your brain of vital neurotransmitters. Prescriptions might make you feel better temporarily, but they don’t improve your body’s natural production of these chemicals, increasing dependency on drugs.
Living Pharmaceutically Free
I realize I have a head start on so many because, in 1974, I stopped taking pharmaceuticals. But you can begin this part of your journey at any age. Only note that if your mind and body is addicted to these drugs, you must seek out the aid of a natural doctor to make sure you do not go off the drugs cold turkey, doing so can find yourself in the hospital or morgue without due notice.
Focus on stimulating your body’s natural production of these chemicals. Look for natural ways to eliminate diabetes, regulate blood pressure, increase energy levels, and reduce stress. Explore new methods to boost happiness and joy.
This pharmaceutical-free approach to successful anti-aging will enhance your satisfaction and sex life, leading to a more fulfilling, continued existence.
In addition to the physical aspects, maintaining social connections and a sense of purpose are crucial. Engaging in hobbies, volunteering, and spending time with loved ones can significantly impact your mental and emotional well-being.
Everything is Energy
I think Tesla was right when he said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration,” so I focus on keeping my energetic vibration up, thinking on those things that are good, doing the things I love, practicing and teaching Reiki, a form of energy healing. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, can also play a role in aging gracefully. They help reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and enhance overall happiness.
Aging amazingly is about more than just physical health. It encompasses mental, emotional, and social well-being. You can thrive at any age by adopting a holistic approach that includes natural nutrition, physical activity, mental stimulation, and emotional connections.
Keys to Aging Amazingly
- Choose to Live
- 2x Sex per Month
- Exercise Daily
- Say “No” to Drugs
- Say “Yes” to Energy
Remember, how you age is a choice. Choose to age gracefully and vibrantly, and you’ll find that life can be fulfilling and exciting, no matter how many candles are on your birthday cake.