Are You Betting Against Yourself? The Health Insurance Scam!

Let’s start with a simple truth: health insurance is a scam. There, I said it. And not just any scam—it’s a twisted version of gambling where you’re literally betting against yourself, hoping you’ll lose (your health) so you can “win” a payout. It’s not health insurance at all—it’s sickness insurance, designed to ensure that you, at some point, get sick and become a profitable cog in the medical-industrial machine.

Health Insurance: The Casino of Sickness

You may not know that insurance of all kinds are listed along with poker, slot machines, lotteries, etc., in the gambling section of State law books.

Think about it: health insurance, by design, isn’t there to keep you healthy. It only steps in when things go south—when you’re already sick, injured, or disabled. Ever noticed that your insurance doesn’t cover alternative therapies, nutritional guidance, or anything that would genuinely prevent illness? Instead, they’ll happily fork over thousands of dollars for pharmaceutical drugs, surgeries, and procedures that keep you in a perpetual cycle of managing disease. It’s no coincidence that insurance policies are drafted to support Big Pharma’s sales force—the doctors.

Let’s call it what it is: health insurance is a casino game, and the house always wins. Your premium payments are the chips you gamble with, and the only way you “win” is if you get sick enough to justify that massive pile of cash you’ve handed over for years. But unlike a real casino where you choose to roll the dice, in the world of health insurance, the stakes are your own well-being.

It’s Not Health Insurance, It’s Disease Insurance

Take a look at what your health insurance covers: drugs, surgeries, hospital stays, and endless diagnostic tests. But if you ask for reimbursement on something that might actually keep you healthy—like a nutritionist, natural remedies, or a holistic doctor—you’ll be laughed out of the room. Why? Because this isn’t about health. The insurance companies are not here to help you thrive. They’re in the business of sickness management, plain and simple. You staying healthy means they lose. And they didn’t build an empire on losing.

Insurance only steps in when something goes catastrophically wrong—when your body has failed in a way that justifies the hefty sums they’ve been siphoning from your bank account. And who doesn’t feel a little better knowing that the surgery you had to fix something that probably could’ve been prevented through actual care was “covered”? Congratulations, you’ve lost your health, but hey, at least you got a small payout for your suffering.

Betting Against Yourself: The Energetic Cost

Here’s where it gets really interesting. Health insurance isn’t just a financial scam—it’s an energetic trap. The moment you sign up for health insurance, you’re subconsciously aligning yourself with sickness. Think about it. Why else would you buy insurance unless you believed you might need it? You’re essentially affirming, “I’m going to get sick at some point.” You pay month after month, feeding the energetic beast of disease. It’s like signing a contract with the universe saying, “Hey, I fully expect to break down. Let’s just hope it’s expensive enough that this insurance gamble finally pays off!”

And guess what? That belief works like a self-fulfilling prophecy. The energy you invest in this system pulls you toward illness. At a deep psychological and spiritual level, you’re planting the seeds of sickness in your body. After all, no one likes losing a bet, right? So if you’ve been paying into this scam for years, part of you wants to “win”—and that’s where the disease starts to manifest. After all, if you’re forking over a large chunk of your paycheck, you might as well get your money’s worth, right?

The Illusion of Value: How Insurance Traps You

Health insurance, like all forms of gambling, dangles the illusion of value in front of your face. “But what if something happens? You’ll be protected!” Yeah, but protected from what? A life free of prescription drugs? A body that doesn’t need surgeries or medical interventions? Wouldn’t it make more sense to invest that money into actually staying healthy?

Here’s a thought: instead of gambling on your future sickness, how about spending that money on your well-being? Real health doesn’t come from a doctor’s office or a bottle of pills. It comes from what you eat, how you move, your emotional state, and your connection to nature. Yet none of that is covered by insurance. If anything, the system makes sure those life-giving practices stay out of reach by feeding you the lie that you need to be “insured.”

Breaking Free from the Sickness Industry

If you really want to opt out of the scam that is health insurance, start by rejecting the belief that sickness is inevitable. You don’t need to bet against yourself. Instead, invest in your health—real health. Spend your money on learning how to stay healthy, on organic food, on exercise, on learning how to manage stress and balance your life. Learn about natural remedies, take care of your mental well-being, and stay connected to your body’s needs.

There’s a reason insurance companies don’t cover any of that. They know that if you truly take care of yourself, you won’t need them. And if you don’t need them, their entire house of cards comes crashing down. They’ve built an empire on people being sick, scared, and dependent. The minute you decide to stop playing their game is the minute you reclaim your power.

The Final Bet: Choose Health Over Sickness

Health insurance is a gamble—a bad one—where you’re betting that something will go wrong with your body. And surprise, the more you invest in this system, the more likely you are to find yourself cashing in on your sickness investment. The real solution? Stop betting against yourself. Use that money to live in a way that supports your health, not your sickness.

And if anyone tries to tell you that you need insurance, just remember: this isn’t about health. It’s about keeping you in the game, making sure the house always wins. But you don’t have to play anymore. Walk away from the table and invest in your own well-being. That’s the only way to truly win.

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