Break Free from Modern Medicine to Rediscover Ancient Wisdom

After losing my wife to cancer treatment, I realized I needed to take charge of my own health if I wanted to live a long and happy life. As time passed, I saw more and more problems with the modern healthcare system. So, I decided to turn away from regular healthcare and start my own journey toward better health and longevity.

As a doctor of natural nutrition, many people are surprised to hear that a lot of modern health problems can be fixed just by changing what we eat. The right food helps our bodies work their best and even heal themselves. From my experience, I’ve been amazed at how the human body can get rid of serious diseases when it has the proper nutrients, minerals, and energy to heal. It may seem like magic, but it’s really based on science. Our bodies are made from these natural elements, but most of the food we eat today doesn’t have them, which is why people’s health often gets worse over time.

Everything you put into your body has energy. It either helps your health or hurts it. Even things that seem harmless can harm your health if they don’t give your body the energy it needs to thrive. Life depends on energy, and without it, there’s no life.

The human body is amazing at surviving. If it doesn’t get the energy it needs, it will start using its own tissues and organs to keep going. Once that’s used up, the body dies if there’s no more energy left. If your body isn’t getting enough energy to rebuild itself, it slowly breaks down and eventually leads to death. That’s why nutrition is so important. Some people think that just eating “food” is enough to give the body energy, but that’s not necessarily true. Only food that has natural energy can really fuel the body for a healthy life, and it must not be filled with toxins like chemicals, drugs, pesticides, factory-made fats, and heavy metals like mercury or lead.

A body filled with parasites might not even be able to use the nutrients it gets. The parasites eat the nutrients first, and the body gets what’s left, if anything. That’s why it’s important to cleanse the body from parasites regularly.

When people face health problems, they often reach for quick fixes like foods filled with artificial ingredients that make them feel good, even though these foods have little nutritional value. Over time, the body gets used to these foods, and people start turning to more addictive things like alcohol and drugs—both prescription and illegal ones.

This is how the modern medical industry works. If you don’t feel good, the easy solution is often a pill, a drink, or something else that just covers up the symptoms. When people who are stuck in this system come to me, they often don’t believe it when I suggest they move away from these medications. Some even panic and say, “I couldn’t live without my,” and fill in the blank. Many times, they add, “My doctor would never allow it.”

Who really owns your body? Is it really yours, or does it belong to your favorite doctor?

That’s the problem. If someone is unwilling to let go of the harmful things that are making them feel better while their body slowly gets worse, I can’t help them. Even if they eat healthy foods, if they keep poisoning themselves with legal drugs, they can’t fully heal. Maybe they can live a little longer, but they won’t truly get better.

This earth gives us everything we need not just to live but to live well, with health and happiness. Anything made by humans is just a weak copy and often comes with dangerous side effects that require more medication and can even shorten your life while pretending to help you.

There’s a movement now that suggests the government should be responsible for your health, not you. They say every American should get the same kind of treatment to feel better. If the rich pharmaceutical companies aren’t behind this idea, I don’t know who is. It’s likely part of the plan of people who think the world would be better with fewer of us around.

But even with all the confusion, there’s hope. Ancient knowledge about health and healing is coming back, like flowers breaking through cracks in the sidewalk. I feel blessed to be part of this movement, celebrating the wisdom that’s resurfacing, even though there are still powerful, wealthy forces trying to cover it up and keep us in medical slavery.

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