Cancer | A Mysterious Disease

The cause of the symptoms called cancer has been known for over a hundred years. Cancer is a condition whereby supportive, normal, healthy, human cells mutate into cells that become cannibalistic, feeding on the host body in a determined effort to survive and thrive, spreads to consume the remainder of the cancer victim’s body.

There is a cancer scam called, “Looking for a cure,” that has been going on for nearly a hundred years. Every year a “prestigious” cancer organization announces they have not yet found a cure for cancer and asks for even more donations so they can search for a cure again next year.

For one thing, there is a very clear reason why a cure for cancer cannot be found, and that is that each and every cancer cell is as unique as each person’s DNA because it is birthed from each person’s own healthy cells which have morphed into something more sinister. Creating a one-size-fits-all solution is impossible.

This conversion of supportive human cells to cancerous human cells is nothing new.  This condition has been around for years as scientists have uncovered cancer cells in a 1.7-million-year-old human bone.

With most cancers, the victim has about a year to bring themselves back to health. They must start on a cleansing, simple mild food diet immediately. No pharmaceutical poisons will help the victim because one cannot poison themselves back to health. This should be obvious. Now, back to how the scam works.

This scam is a play on words. You must understand cancer itself is not sick or impaired in any way, so of course, it is impossible to cure it or find a cure for something that does not need curing. Do you see it now?

They simply use words in such a way that make you naturally think they are trying their best to help cancer victims, when in fact they are just collecting free millions, so a bunch of people including researchers can lead the good life on our backs.

It is the body that is sick, not the perfectly healthy entity called “cancer” that is feeding on the sick body’s waste and turning the rest of the sick body into waste to feed its tremendous hunger.

Those people who get rid of cancer and never have it return figure out how to cleanse the body so the cancer has no food supply.

Cancer thrives in an imbalanced toxic human body condition. Thanks to modern food supply chains, most of us possess a human condition that is the perfect breeding ground for this cancerous metamorphosis of otherwise healthy human cells.

Other toxic contributors to the current human condition include lack of exercise, exposure to toxins, stress, emotional trauma, and a compromised immune system all help to create the perfect environment for the unbridled breeding and thriving of cancerous cells.

Every one of us has cancer. Those of us who possess a human biological environment that is inhospitable to cancer will not suffer the effects of cancerous-cells-gone-wild. Our body’s natural ability to defend and heal itself will do what it was designed to do when properly balanced.

According to Dr. Otto Warburg, who was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1931, cancer cells are unable to thrive in alkaline and oxygen-rich environments. Conversely, they flourish in acidic and low-oxygen environments. Therefore, the survival of cancer cells is rooted in the acidity of the blood.

The immune system is responsible for combating pathogens that can potentially cause disease and harm to the body. However, if an individual has an autoimmune or inflammatory disease, or is suffering from cancer, their immune system is likely to be severely compromised. To optimize the immune system’s ability to fend off disease, it is essential to consume a human diet that is rich in antioxidants.

When you deprive the cancer of its perfect food, it disappears. Naturally.

From my point of view, it makes sense to clean up my inner body, so the cancer has no food to begin with, so it never comes to feast in and on my body.


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