Many people unknowingly suffer from a disease that remains largely undiagnosed and inadequately treated. This condition, despite its widespread prevalence, often goes unnoticed because the prescribed medications only alleviate symptoms without addressing the root cause, which may very well be the pathogenic spirochete, a microscopic parasitic worm with stealth technology.

A Stealthy and Contagious Intruder
This disease is highly contagious and can be transmitted through close contact between individuals or via insect bites, etc. Once infected, patients may exhibit symptoms that mimic over 300 different diseases, challenging diagnosis and leading to considerable frustration.
Transmission Methods:
- Close contact between individuals
- Insect bites (e.g., mosquitoes, ticks, mites, fleas) or any other biting insect.
- Household pets as carriers
- Airborne transmission over short distances
- The Confusing Array of Symptoms
The symptoms of this disease vary widely, often leading to misdiagnoses and questioning of the patient’s sanity. Well-meaning physicians might suggest that these symptoms are psychosomatic, further complicating the situation.
Common Symptoms Include:
- Cognitive issues, such as problems with thinking and word recall
- Lack of concentration and erratic mood changes
- Chronic fatigue and lack of stamina
- Pain in the lower back, knees, shoulders, heels, and joints
- Sudden sharp pains, loss of feeling, and tingling sensations in extremities
- Digestive issues like irritable bowel or bladder problems and stomach pain
- Psychological disorders, anxiety, and panic attacks
- Arthritis affecting various joints
- Nerve pain radiating from the spine
- Numbness in limbs or facial paralysis (Bell’s Palsy)
- and many others, depending on which disease it seems to be.
A Personal Struggle with Misdiagnosis
Many families unknowingly live with this aggressive bacterium. My wife and I experienced a wide range of misdiagnoses over the years, including lupus, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, and celiac disease, among others. We consulted various healthcare professionals, from traditional doctors to specialists in neuropathy and homeopathy, only to receive conflicting diagnoses and treatments.
Revealing the Culprit: Lyme Disease
It wasn’t until we discovered that we were suffering from a pathogenic spirochete invasion, commonly known as Lyme disease, that we began to understand our symptoms. Contrary to popular belief, Lyme disease is not solely transmitted by deer ticks; it can also be spread by other insects like mosquitoes and through close contact with infected individuals or pets.
The spirochete is a tiny (bacteria-sized) spiral-shaped worm that is easily transmitted by personal contact. One version can also be carried and transmitted by any biting insect.
Key Facts about Lyme Disease
- Masquerades as various other conditions, making it hard to diagnose
- Can infect organs, skin, heart, nerve system, joints, and muscles
- Often not associated with deer tick bites at all
Dr. Lita Mattman recovered live Lyme spirochetes from mosquitos, fleas, mites, semen, urine, and tears. Dr. Mattman was a biology professor and a bacteriologist.
The Path to Recovery
Once we identified Lyme disease as the cause, we embarked on a journey to find effective treatments. We tried numerous therapies and interventions with varying degrees of success. Through this process, we met many others who had struggled for years and spent significant amounts of money battling the disease.
A Breakthrough Solution
After extensive trials and errors, we found an affordable solution disclosed by Jim Humble that significantly relieved and ended up wiping out our chronic symptoms for which there was no cure. This $25 remedy alleviated, then eliminated, the massive varieties of aches and pains we had endured.
My book, which includes a list of the most commonly misdiagnosed diseases that actually seem to be caused by that bacteria-sized parasite, is available on for those interested in learning more about our journey and the solution we discovered to get rid of Lyme disease.
Knowing What We Know Now
When we were battling Lyme disease, nothing was revealed or written about the nefarious nature of pathogenic spirochetes, which are microscopic parasitic worms. Today, we are more inclined to think of the source of many, if not all, diseases are parasites, including parasitic worms and their waste, as our friend Wayne Rowland purports.
We courageously used chlorine dioxide to get rid of chronic Lyme disease inexpensively; today, we would have used Wayne Rowland’s disease symptom elimination program and 10 cases of his Telsa/Rife Silver Water.
The government has suppressed many disclosures, downloads, and data dumps, as the FDA and the American Medical Association, including your family, friends, and neighbors, have been programmed to take responsibility as the unsanctioned thought police.
Jim Humble fled the United States for fear of being persecuted by the FDA for releasing his research findings regarding chlorine dioxide’s efficacy in fighting disease. Those who stayed behind were shackled and are currently serving prison sentences. Both his and Paris, Jim’s daughter’s books, have been banned on Amazon.
What Does the Future Hold?
That’s a good question. As a Natural Nutritionist, I continue my mission to learn more and disclose the truth about Americans’ health conditions. At 95 years old and free from chronic Lyme disease, I have a keen mind and have always had a sort of sixth sense when it comes to repurposing existing technology or inventing something new. I apply all my skills to education and research in contrarian medicine. The older I get, the more I know that my decision to remain drug-free and embrace natural alternatives was sound.
I hope a new world is coming for Americans to have the courage and be empowered to practice their own alternative health care without interference.
See also: Strange Bacteria Causes Disease