Finding the Root Cause of Disease Naturally Healing the Body

Today, many doctors focus on treating symptoms of diseases instead of figuring out what is really causing the problem. They give you medicine to make the symptoms go away, but that doesn’t always fix the real issue. As a Doctor of Natural Nutrition, I’ve found that many health problems come from poor nutrition. If we eat more naturally and address what’s really wrong in our bodies, we can often heal.

I’m not saying, like the famous quote, “If the only tool you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.” What I believe is that most diseases and body issues come from malnutrition. Most of the food we eat today isn’t as healthy as it used to be. Even fruits and vegetables don’t have the same nutrients they did 50 or 100 years ago. On top of that, they are full of pesticides, chemicals, parasites, microscopic eggs, and other harmful things. Try getting as much of your food as possible from non-corporate producers such as farmer’s markets, etc.

A Toxic World

It’s not just the food that’s the problem. The water we drink and the air we breathe are also full of toxins. These toxins build up in our bodies and lead to what the doctors call “disease.” So, it’s no wonder that so many people are sick today. With a more natural way of life, there is less dis-ease. It is really that simple.

In Western medicine, doctors often focus on one set of symptoms and give it a name, like cancer or diabetes. Then they prescribe treatments to manage those symptoms. But this approach doesn’t look at the bigger picture. The symptoms are the body’s way of telling us something is wrong inside, but they are just a part of the story.

A Holistic Approach

Holistic doctors, on the other hand, see symptoms as clues. They try to figure out what’s really going on beneath the surface. Instead of just treating the symptoms, they work to find the root cause of the problem. Once the root cause is found and treated, the body can heal, and the symptoms will go away.

Take cancer, for example. In our society, cancer is a word that scares everyone. But cancer is really just a symptom. It’s the body’s way of saying, “Hey, something isn’t right!” Cells start acting strange, and that’s the body’s alarm system going off.

A holistic doctor doesn’t fear cancer. They see it as a sign that something deeper needs to be fixed. If you address that deeper issue, the cancer can go away. The cells return to normal, and the body heals. Unfortunately, many conventional doctors don’t treat cancer this way. Instead, they focus on managing the disease, which often leads to long and expensive treatments. In 2023, the cancer treatment industry made $223 billion, and it’s expected to grow to $409 billion by 2028.


My mother, Mrs. Cristy Uhl, author of Teaching and Learning Made Simple, always had a saying: “Follow the money.” When you do, you often find the reason why certain things, like diseases, are treated the way they are.

Digging Deeper to Heal

Finding the root cause of a disease can be tricky. Sometimes, the problem isn’t in the place where you feel the pain. For example, I had pain in my shoulder that I could treat for a while, but it would always come back. One day, I remembered I had a motorcycle accident when I was a teenager. That old injury was the real reason for my shoulder pain.

Once I recognized that connection, I imagined healing that teenage version of myself, and the pain in my shoulder went away for good. Sometimes, our pain has roots in the past, and we need to address both the current pain and its cause for true healing to happen.

How to Live a Long, Healthy Life

Living a long and healthy life can seem hard when the food, water, and air are full of toxins. But there’s hope. It just takes courage and the willingness to make changes. You can choose to eat better food, drink clean water, and avoid as many toxins as possible.

You can still find healthy, organic foods. You might have to spend a little more money or go out of your way, but it’s worth it. It’s also important to filter your water and limit your exposure to environmental toxins. And most importantly, listen to your body. Symptoms are your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. They are your blinking red light. Please don’t ignore them.

True healing takes courage, the courage to question what you’ve been told and to take control of your own health. When you get to the root of a health problem and give your body the right tools, like good nutrition and a clean environment, your body has the power to heal itself.

In today’s world, many doctors focus on treating symptoms instead of the real cause of disease. However, a holistic approach looks at the body as a whole, searching for the root cause of health problems. When we address that root cause and give the body the proper nutrients, true healing can happen. You have the power to create a healthier life by making better choices about what you eat, drink, and breathe. It may take extra effort, but the reward, a long, pain-free, healthy life, is worth it.


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