How Can We Can Fix a Broken System? Time to Take Back Health

Our healthcare system is in trouble, but the most dangerous health hazard in America lies within our own government. It’s time to take a closer look at how we got here and what we can do to turn things around.

The Problem is: Our “Players” Aren’t Playing for Us

We, the people, are supposed to be in charge. We hire politicians, much like a team hires players, expecting them to work for our benefit. But what if those players started working for the opposing team? You’d fire them immediately, right?

Unfortunately, that’s what’s happening with our government. Many of the people we elected to serve us are playing for someone else, leading to a healthcare system that’s both expensive and ineffective. Many of these elected officials deserve to be relieved of their duties because they are working against us, not for us.

The Solution: Make Them Follow the Rules

The good news is that we have a contract with these politicians, a simple set of rules they’re supposed to follow, called the Constitution. This document, written on hemp paper, is the foundation of our country. Without it, the United States wouldn’t exist as we know it.
The dirt would still be here, but the country is in that simple piece of paper. Without that used piece of paper, someone else could come along and write a contract on our dirt.

Some might say the Constitution needs to be “interpreted,” but that’s just a way to twist its clear and straightforward meaning. If we want real change, we need to demand that our public servants follow this contract to the letter.

What Would It Take to Change the Way Things Are?

Changing how we approach this problem isn’t complicated, but it does require us to be proactive. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

1. Understand Our Basic Contract (known as the Constitution)

Familiarize yourself with the basic principles of the Constitution. It’s not difficult to understand, and knowing it empowers you to hold others accountable.

2. Demand Accountability

Insist that your elected officials follow the rules set out in the Constitution. This is not just your right but your responsibility.

3. Get Involved

a. Pay attention to what your public servants are doing.
b. Attend town hall meetings, write letters, and make phone calls.
c. Let those servants know you’re watching.

4. Educate Others

a. Spread the word about the importance of following our contract, the Constitution.
b. Encourage friends and family to get involved too.

5. Vote Wisely

a. When it’s time to vote, choose candidates who respect the Constitution and are committed to serving the public.
b. Remember, your vote is your property, so you must protect it.

By following these steps, we can start to turn things around. It’s up to us to ensure that our government—and our healthcare system—works for every one of us. Let’s take back our health by holding our public servants accountable to the employment rules they’re supposed to follow.


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