How Do I Get Help with My Invention Idea?

Do you have a fantastic idea for an invention? That’s great news! Everyone has a special idea or invention that the world needs to see. Sharing your idea can make a big difference and help things move forward in a big way.

It’s your sacred responsibility to share your ideas. If you do it right, you can also make a lot of money from it. I was lucky to learn this early in my life. I helped change the motorcycle industry by creating the first two-wheeled ATV. It was released as the Honda Trail 50 and the Honda 55 Trailmaster. Other companies started making similar bikes, which helped the industry grow.

People say my work was as important to motorcycles as the Jeep was to cars. I’ve always been able to see things that don’t exist yet and either make something new or improve something that already exists. This led to other inventions and advances in technology.

That’s why it’s important for you to share your idea. The world needs it; if you don’t share it, someone else will. That’s how the universe works. Progress cannot wait for your inability to accept your divine assignment. You’ve probably seen your idea for sale on TV or social media before because someone else shared it first. Don’t let a lack of confidence or knowledge stop you from taking action.

I want to help people who want to start their invention journey. That’s why I wrote my book, How to Make a Patent for an Idea: Survive the Invention Process and Make a Ton of Money. This book is for anyone wondering how to start an invention idea and take it to market.

Now, at 95 years old, I still believe in supporting people who want to create and share their ideas and repurposed inventions with the world. My book can help you learn how to get an invention started.

How Do I Get My Idea Patented?

Many new inventors get confused by the patenting process. It can be complicated at first. However, once inventors have made their first patent, they usually find it easier to make more.

My book introduces you to the patenting process if that’s what you want to do. It doesn’t have to be scary. The good news is that you might not need a patent at all. There are other ways to protect your idea, like the “poor man’s patent.” In my book, I share a revised poor man’s patent that is even more effective. This way, you can create and protect your idea and take your product to market without being held up by the rigorous patenting process.

I offer many cottage-style operations that you can utilize to get you in a profit-generating merchandising system that will accomplish two important things: (1) getting your idea out there as soon as possible and (2) remunerating you for your efforts in a massive way, in other words, making a ton of money by doing so. This process will help if you’re wondering, “how to get my idea patented for free?” especially if you are on a limited budget.

For me, I’ve always been able to start a project with just $500. The Nike slogan, “Just do it,” is a good reminder for you to take action on your idea.

Get my book and think about reaching out if you’re wondering, “how to get help with an invention idea?” Your idea could change the world!

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