If you were to live your life like a 120-year-old, someone who would be having fun being alive, living life like a winner, celebrating your life each day between now and the day you reach your 120th birthday, I would be very surprised if you didn’t make it, and scientists say we can do this.

You might ask how to live like a 120-year-old; to do so, you would have to stop believing that Mother Nature has no further use for you because you’re not in the process of creating more humans. She stops supporting you to move you out of the way, making room for new life being born every day, and our society reinforces these thoughts, which do not serve you.
If you are living like a 120-year-old, you are NOT in the way. You are actively participating, contributing to the local community, and effectively influencing the greater community and the world, making the world a better place. Hello! Is anybody listening?
I see people half my age dying every day from heart attacks, cancer, healthcare management, and accidents. If you are motivated by the “live fast, die young” philosophy of life, we’re not surprised when you get what you asked for; that’s how the universe works. But we miss you, dammit.
Most people my age are in nursing homes or already dead. I’ve stopped feeling sorry for them.
The good news is that you can change your lifespan at any time. Any years between now and 120, you can spend re-engineering what time you have left and regain more youthful exuberance with every day you spend on this path to a new life in advanced age.
The top five best ways to change your aging mindset are 1: Stop Believing, 2: Start Reciting, 3: Move, 4: Brain Exercise, and 5: Eat Mindfully. Let me explain.
Change Your Aging Mindset
At any point in time, you can change your aging mindset, and the first step is to
The most impactful thing you can do to change your aging mindset is to stop listening to what others say about aging and, by all means, stop believing what they say because I tell you the truth right now: What they say about aging is a lie. If they can get you to believe it, they can greatly monetize what time you have left until you’re not worth the $600 in raw materials that make up your body.
Sidenote: If you’re younger and part of the live-fast-die-young population, your body could be worth $2 million or more in spare parts if they are not too damaged by your early demise.
If you start acting younger, you start feeling younger, and Mother Nature’s aging clock stops and can even start to run backward. When you start to feel better, your body starts to get better in many ways, but you must stop believing what other people say, or else you will continue to decay.
I know this might sound silly for some people, but this helps greatly reprogram a mind that has been submerged in negative-aging philosophies that actually promote aging. Believe me, your brain will make your body comply to what it’s programmed to believe.
Case in point: In 1936, an experiment was conducted on a prisoner condemned to die by hanging in India. Instead of hanging, he was given the choice to be gradually be drained of blood. Blindfolded and strapped to a bed, he had water containers attached to the bedposts and drip buckets set up below. Light scratches were made on his extremities, and the fake drip brigade began: first rapidly, then slowly, always loudly. As water dripping stopped, the healthy young man’s heart also stopped. This is similar to what they are doing to us all. Don’t fall for it!
Your new youthful mantra is:
“Every day, in every way, my body is growing even younger and stronger.”
And say it all the time. Say it when you get up in the morning. Say it after you swallow your first sip of liquid of the day. Say it before each bite of food that you take. Say it when you get up when you sit down, when you turn the channel on the TV when you are changing your location. When you turn the TV off during commercial breaks briefly enough to say the mantra three times, then turn the TV back on if you want to. And another three times after you’ve laid yourself down to sleep.
Here are some other youthful mantras you could integrate:
“I embrace change and growth.”
Acknowledging that change is a natural part of life can help shift the mindset away from resistance and fear.
“My wisdom grows with each passing day.”
Focusing on the positive aspects of aging, such as accumulated wisdom, can foster a more youthful perspective.
“I am vibrant and full of life.”
Affirming vitality and energy can counteract feelings of decline.
“Every day is a new opportunity.”
Encouraging a forward-looking mindset helps maintain curiosity and openness.
“I release all that no longer serves me.”
Letting go of negativity or limiting beliefs can create mental space for rejuvenation.
Have fun at some useful pursuit that increases everyone’s freedom.
Everyone knows that atrophy is in your future if you are not moving your body. For some of you, you may already be feeling its effects as you gradually lose muscle mass and strength. It’s the old adage, if you don’t use it, you lose it.
If muscles are not used regularly, they shrink and weaken, leading to functional limitations and decreased mobility. Regular exercise and physical activity help prevent muscle atrophy by maintaining muscle health and promoting growth. They also have an amazing effect on the circulatory system.
You must keep your circulatory system going for your body to function properly, which your brain is part of. So, that’s the next part.
Physical activity (3) is the first part of renewing your brain, followed up by:
Engaging in mentally stimulating activities, such as playing with puzzles, crosswords, sudoku, or brain teasers.
How about designing something you have always wanted to see in the market?
Learning something new is great way to ramp up and invigorate your brain chemistry and connectivity. Lean a new skill, explore new hobbies, play a musical instrument, or learn how to use a new language or get a new tool you have wanted.
Regularly challenging your mind helps create a cognitive reserve, preventing cognitive decline. Neuroplasticity allows you to retrain your brain and acquire new abilities, regardless of age.
Be mindful of what you eat. A nutritious diet promotes neuroplasticity incredibly. Eating in a mindful and nutritious manner provides essential nutrients for optimal brain function.
Certainly, since I am a natural nutritionist, you would expect to hear something about what you’re eating, like avoiding processed foods and integrating more natural fruits and vegetables, but equally important to what you are eating is how you are eating, like
Slow Down
Take your time while eating, this is not a race. Savor each bite, chew thoroughly, and put your utensils down between bites. This mindful approach allows you and your body to appreciate your food more fully.
Engage Your Senses
Pay attention to flavors, textures, smells, and colors. Use as many senses as possible to fully experience your meals, which enhances your overall enjoyment and satisfaction.
My mother used to say watermelon was breast milk for adults.
Maintaining a mindfully healthy diet rich in nutrients contributes to anti-aging and overall well-being.
In Conclusion
There are many other things you could do to ramp up your new path to an invigorating more youthful aging process, but to stop believing others, and reciting a youthful mantra, moving your body, exercising your brain, and eating mindfully, will put you on the right track. Let’s turn back the clock together, and who cares what they say.