How to Turn Toxic Waste into Childsafe Dental Hygiene Liquid

Ever wonder how a nation of educated, intelligent people ended up begging to pay big bucks for a toxic waste product? Well, buckle up, because this is the story of how Americans were duped by one of the slickest public relations cons in history, courtesy of Andrew Mellon, founder of the Aluminum Company of America (ALCOA).

The Problem: What to Do with All This Toxic Waste?

Back in the day, ALCOA had a serious problem on its hands. The aluminum manufacturing process churned out massive amounts of fluoride, a substance so toxic that it was wiping out fish and wildlife whenever it ended up in rivers. Storing this industrial waste away from the environment was becoming a costly nightmare. But then came the million-dollar question: How do you get people to not only accept this toxic waste but actually beg for it?

The Solution: A Lawyer with a Plan

Enter Andrew Mellon, the man with a plan. Mellon wasn’t just any corporate lawyer; he was the founder of ALCOA and, conveniently, also the U.S. Treasury Secretary. In a stroke of genius (or villainy, depending on how you look at it), Mellon decided to turn the tables. Instead of spending money to dispose of this hazardous byproduct, why not sell it to the public as a health product? And so, the great fluoride con was born.

Mellon launched a disinformation campaign that would make even the most seasoned spin doctors blush. Using his influence in the Public Health Service, he cooked up a story that fluoride, yes, the same stuff used to kill rats, was actually good for your teeth! Who knew that a rat poison could double as a cavity fighter? Mellon’s cronies even went so far as to fund bogus studies that “proved” fewer cavities in communities with naturally fluoridated water.

The Scam Takes Off

In 1945, Grand Rapids, Michigan, became ground zero for this grand experiment in public manipulation. Fluoridation of the city’s water supply began, with Mellon’s Public Health Service leading the charge. Soon, cities all over the country were clamoring to have their water “enhanced” with this miracle substance. And just like that, fluoride’s transformation from toxic waste to dental savior was complete.

Americans Conned and the Environment Polluted

By 1950, the U.S. government was fully on board, heralding the virtues of fluoride with all the enthusiasm of a cult leader pushing Kool-Aid. Anyone who dared to question this narrative was quickly silenced, lumped in with society’s conspiracy theorists, and dismissed as crackpots. The public, bowing in the worship of their newfound fluoride masters, eagerly accepted the mass poisoning as a great leap forward in public health.

But here’s the kicker: this wasn’t just about “helping” the public. The entire operation was also a massive industrial waste disposal scheme. And who foots the bill for this industrial waste masquerading as a health benefit? You guessed it: taxpayers, paying out of pocket and with their lives.

Fluoride’s Dirty Secret

So, the next time you hear about the “benefits” of water fluoridation, remember the real story behind it. What started as a convenient solution for an aluminum company’s waste problem turned into one of the most successful (and sinister) public relations campaigns of all time. Thanks to Andrew Mellon’s slick maneuvering, Americans were duped into believing they were protecting their children’s teeth when, in fact, they were paying to pollute their water—and their bodies—with very poisonous industrial waste.

It is a cumulative poison, so they simply feed the poison in very slowly, and we think our loved ones are really dying from natural causes. They make a ton of money with “our” government’s help. This is the scam we know about!

I wonder if public service publicity cons like this are still going on today?

Please don’t believe me. This history is all available. Check it out!


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