A common myth is that it has been our beneficial government of The United States of America that has been in charge of the United States since 1776. The following 40-year health atrocity proves we are not governed by The United States of America.

A government-sponsored germ warfare experiment was done in the United States from 1932 through 1972 (40 years) by the US public health service on the unsuspecting public. It was conducted by this supposedly helpful government agency in Macon County, Alabama.

They were pretending to give free healthcare to the black community. The health care officials deliberately infected the African American men with syphilis germs to see how fast it would spread throughout the county. Over the 40-year test, they worked to modify the syphilis spirochete bacteria so it would more quickly spread through a population.

Our benevolent US government was not alone in these syphilis experiments, as Nazi Germany was also involved in trying to get this disease to spread faster.
The US experiments got a real shot in the arm after the war, when Operation Paperclip brought the Nazi scientists together with their US counterparts. (Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 [it is rumored there were actually several thousand] German scientists, engineers, and technicians and their families were taken from Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government and corporate employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959.)
Why syphilis?
Because the unique thing about this spirochete germ (the bacteria that causes syphilis) is that it always attacks the body at its weakest points. The results are that this one disease either causes, or mimics symptoms of 100 other diseases, so the real problem cannot be easily diagnosed, and therefore proper treatment is seldom prescribed. In other words, people in a community can all have the same disease yet their symptoms can all be different.
So, why did the US Public Health Service and the public experimentation end 40 years later in 1972? One of the imported scientists finally figured out how to spread syphilis throughout a population quickly. What he did was to modify the bacteria in such a way that it could be transmitted by biting insects, as well as person-to-person.
So far, these modified spirochete bacteria have been found in fleas, mites, mosquitoes, and ticks and it is also found in the people bit by one of these insects. Once a person has been infected by these bacteria, it could spread to the whole family through any kind of person-to-person contact. Animals can also be bitten by these insects and become infected with this disease. When the infected dog or cat licks you, you could also become infected.

One of the bioweapon laboratories for the US government is located at Plum Island, off the coast of Lyme Connecticut. Of course, people from that little town worked for the US gov on Plum Island and therefore, some became infected, and it was carried home. Was this infection given to them on purpose? One of the imported scientist doctors working on the project on Plum Island went to Lyme, Connecticut and diagnosed someone with this upgraded syphilis infection. That doctor named the disease after the name of the town where it was first discovered – and therefore: This upgraded syphilis disease was then called Lyme disease which sounds far less dangerous than syphilis.
Now, millions of people are infected with “syphilis 3.0” and neither they or their doctors have any idea about what their pain and chronic health problems are about. I know of people who have spent 20 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to get rid of their chronic sickness, with no useful results. They are in terrible pain, and many of them have spent days in bed because they do not have the strength to get up. Enduring this debilitating disease has caused many divorces and has bankrupted people of all of their savings.
Antibiotics are mostly useless against Lyme disease. I have heard about people taking antibiotics for years and they still have most of the symptoms of Lyme disease. Antibiotics will only kill the bacteria in the normal state, but these bacteria have the ability to hide inside bones, and/or to form a hard shell around themselves and hibernate until the antibiotic is not in use. It can travel forward and backward very fast as it needs to invade different areas of the body.

There is also another problem, most doctors do not even consider their client could have Lyme disease since they weren’t being bitten by ticks and few doctors have any idea how this contagious disease could be spread by anything, but a tick bite. Most doctors are not Lyme disease literate. And even those doctors who know a little bit about Lyme disease, do not know that their big pharmacy antibiotic drugs will not completely do the job of killing this upgraded spirochete bacteria.
As the author of this article, let me tell you a little bit about my personal experience with Lyme disease. I got my dose of Lyme, which I call syphilis 3.0 from a mosquito bite and my wife, Taylore, got it from me in the way of personal contact. It was several years before we discovered that we both had Lyme disease which is the upgraded syphilis infection.
Here are some of the symptoms that we experienced.
- In my wife it showed up as a severe digestive problem and acid reflux, plus lessoned muscle ability and coordination of the legs.
- In my case I felt like I had fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis at the same time. I could not close my hands completely because my knuckles were very painful and swollen up. I was also weak in the legs, and I could not throw my leg over the motorcycle seat. So, I had not been able to ride my motorcycle with my hands swollen, so I could not grip the handlebars. Motorcycles have been a big part of my life for 50 years and I just couldn’t see myself not being able to continue my sport.
We tried all kinds of conventional and alternative remedies with no real success. A friend heard about our health struggles. He told us about M – M – S (the nickname for chlorine dioxide.)
Within a few weeks of taking the NACS Water Purification drops, I could again close my hands which had been so painful and swollen. From these results, I knew that we were on the right track to eliminating these bacteria and the co-infections that seemed to go along with Lyme disease.
Instead of spending thousands of dollars per month going year after year with the traditional medical way of trying to eliminate Lyme disease, we got off easy with spending just a few hundred dollars. It took us a little over a year to kill all the bacteria in the condition called Lyme disease. We were very diligent in taking the chlorine dioxide using “Protocol 1000 for M-M-S”
If you want more detail about Lyme disease, I wrote a little book called “Lyme Disease Non-medical Diagnosis and Treatment” by Herb Roi Richards. How I kicked chronic Lyme disease in one year for Pennies.”
Am I afraid of being bitten by a tick or a mosquito?
No, I am not afraid of any disease because I have overcome the worst disease on earth which is a laboratory designed bioweapon used indiscriminately against humanity.
Have I gotten mosquito bites since then?
Yes, but none have stayed sore for weeks like that one did. I never even suspected I had Lyme disease because the government-spread myth is that you can only get Lyme disease from a certain kind of deer tick.
Now, the question is, would you, one of “We the people” who are supposed to be running this country, authorize and support such a 40-year study?
I certainly would not.