Lyme Disease Non Medical Diagnosis and Treatment How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies

Author Herb “Roi” Richards tells his story about how he and his wife recovered from Lyme Disease in his book, Lyme Disease Non Medical Diagnosis and Treatment, How I Kicked Chronic Lyme disease in One Year for Pennies.


As you may have guessed, this accounting and declaration of healing from the incurable chronic Lyme disease will be met with great enthusiasm from longtime sufferers of Lyme disease and huge push-back from fans of traditional medical practice and Big Pharma.


In this brief undertaking, Roi discloses the truth about Lyme Disease and proactive steps that you can take to win the battle of this difficult-to-diagnose (and nearly impossible-to-cure with modern medicine) destroyer of one’s quality of life.

Within this short collection of writings, Richards presents some counter-intuitive data that may clash with popular medical information that may be readily available on the subject of Lyme disease, yet is based on both anecdotal reports of what has worked for him, his wife, and other sufferers of the disease as well as statistical data which causes one to question “official data.” He includes alternative scientific information which is hard to find. For instance, most people don’t know that Lyme disease is quite contagious and Lyme-related pathogenic spirochetes are even transmitted through sexual contact.

As the title suggests, this work is not intended for medical staff (as they would likely dismiss it based on its natural alternative and holistic approach) as much as it is for the victims of chronic Lyme who have battled the effects of the disease, and the constant barrage of symptoms which arise from attempting to treat the disease from a medically driven pharmacological approach.

Richards’ supporters claim that they have applied his methods to heal other chronic diseases that they have been diagnosed with but have found their situations to be inadequately treatable by modern medicine. As symptoms grow, doctors have given up on any attempts to heal the incurable and only treat the most prevalent symptoms.

Richards says, “These people don’t know that they probably have Lyme disease.” According to him, Lyme disease is a very “smart bug” that finds various places in the body to set up shop, causing a variety of symptoms that are misdiagnosed as any number of different diseases based on the observance and review of traditionally trained medical staff.

Who can blame them? After all, you only know what you know.

These two camps, those who serve the medical schools (and the pharmaceuticals who control and educate them) and the alternative holistic healing communities, are on opposing ends of the spectrum when addressing the nature of Lyme disease, so prepare yourself for a quick read that may vary widely from the research you may have done to date.

Without an open mind, Roi’s book may sound like hocus pocus, but those who have ventured out to try this inexpensive method of testing for Lyme disease have achieved incredible results.

Roi and his wife, Taylore Vance, have developed a Lyme disease alternative course designed for medical professionals who would like to learn more about these alternative healing approaches that have helped so many who would otherwise be suffering from chronic Lyme disease.

Here is the free introductory webinar featuring Roi and Taylore regarding their Lyme disease course:

Roi is a Reiki Master at the Reiki Ranch, and has attuned thousands of Reiki Masters following his recovery from Lyme disease.

Feel free to post your respectful comments below. There is a very good chance that Roi will be available to answer your questions here.



  1. This has a lot of information about Lyme’s Disease and what symptoms can be related to it. I am having my husband do the MMS (water purification drops) for a rash that he has had off and on for a few years. I would not even think Lyme’s Disease with some of the diseases like MS, ALS, Irritable Bowel, Parkinson’s, and Fibromyalgia. This was a very easy read.

  2. Very insightful and worth investigating for one’s overall health. I personally know Roi and his wife Taylore and appreciate Roi’s willingness to document his research and personal success story in this book for others to read and determine a course of action for themselves. This knowledge is empowering each of us into action where other wise we have been stuck in a cycle of confusing health challenges! I will share this info with my Naturopath and conclude a treatment approach unique to my circumstances and detoxification needs! Thank you Roi for this inspirational research, book and sharing your personal journey!

  3. An Epidemic! Very good and straight to the point. Easy read! You will have to pay a lot of money and be put through many tests to get the information in this book.

  4. A great quick read. Definitely aimed at the layperson. My wife (who is dealing with chronic Lyme) had heard of this protocol. This was a perfect introduction. She is an R.N. and found it helpful. She is now planning on trying this protocol (with the guidance of her naturopath). We have a close friend who tried this and has had great results! My wife took to this like a beaver to building a dam. We live in Corvallis where OSU is located… so I had to use beaver rather than “duck to water” since UO is just down the road.

  5. Oh merciful he is.. I know I was directed to this book by angelic forces to hear healing should be simple and real for everyone.

  6. At last I found a simple easy treatment for Lymes Disease! I like the straightforward style the author uses to tell his story of healing. Using a simple solution you can make in your kitchen author Herb Richards weaves a story that makes sense for the novice person looking for answers to the question “will I ever beat Lymes disease?” This is a book of few pages that gets to the point quickly but still tells interesting details of how Medical Science had abandoned the patient and even worse mis-treated her. I was on the fence about ordering the book because of the low price. The knowledge I gained is worth many times the cost.

  7. Help! I did not receive Boundaries in my recent order. Please follow-up and let me know how I should notify Amazon in the future when this happens. Thank you!

  8. A good and positive testimonial for healing Lyme’s with MMS. A short read with good basic information and success regarding the use of MMS. No details on how much they took or what their healing process was like or what else they did though. I would have liked to have much more detail.

  9. Good read. Gives another way to kill pathogens. I’m planning on giving the remedy a try. It’s cheap and sounds simple enough.

  10. Scary! Found guilty by trial jury! There’s some good info in here but for Gods sake don’t do the treatment! It’s literally poison and the author was found guilty by a trial jury. Glad my test for Lyme and co-infections came back negative, or I might have done tried the treatment!!!! Found out a lot of my symptoms resolved with a gluten, dairy, sugar-free diet and taking a high-quality probiotic. A little embarrassed that I almost tried this treatment since I’m a biologist and scientist, but was desperate for anything after going 16 months in pain and fatigue without answers. Find a good NMD or if you have Lyme et. al, a good LLMD.

  11. Debunks Myths and suggests an inexpensive solution. A very informative easy read looking at a frequently misdiagnosed pervasive disease. It does a great job clearing up myths and discusses other diseases that may be misdiagnosed or that could benefit from this benign and inexpensive yet powerful treatment. The book may be a little repetitive, but still a quick read and certainly informative. We (two of us) have already tried the suggestion and have had improved digestion and rest.

  12. Well written. A protocol that works. This is the second copy of the book that I’ve recently purchased. I gave the original one to someone that was suffering. I’ve found this treatment most effective. It also cleared up an infection in my jaw bone that would otherwise have required surgery. I did some research about chlorine dioxide. There are some obviously biased articles about the horrors of sodium chlorite toxicity, but they fails to mention how much of the stuff it would take to be lethal. The published LD50 for sodium chlorite is 350 mg/kg. For a 100 Kg person, it would take 35 grams of the stuff to be lethal. It does pay to do some research. There are plenty of peer reviewed articles about the sodium chlorite / chlorine dioxide as a water purifier. This is a well written book that does a great job of documenting a cure that works.

  13. DANGEROUS ADVICE. Please search on line. You will find that the “advice” given in this book is health hazardous. This gentlemen and the man he touts Jim Humble push this cure/treatment and it is just dangerous. The red cross which he says has tested it has denied doing so. BE AWARE !!! It is sounds too good to be true, you might realize that there are still snake oil salesmen out there..

  14. Having done extensive research on Lymes looking for help or a cure, the rhetoric never changes. Treatment options are expensive and take extended years of time as well as lack effectiveness of ridding Lymes, not leaving much hope. THIS INFORMATION GIVES ME HOPE AGAIN! This is an easy read. Straight to the point. No gimmicks or products sold by the author. Exposes falsehoods and myths. Give tried and true results. Is backed by documentable science. Very inexpensive, all natural, no side effects or toxicity. Very easy to incorporate into your daily water intake. AMA or any other government agency doesn’t get any kickback.
    I would recommend this to any person who suspicions a health issue, has an illness, chronic or otherwise, or for anyone who just wants to improve their health. It might surprise you how many ailments and diseases this will take care of, even before they get serious.

  15. WOW! I always felt like medical tests weren’t thorough enough and this truly validates that. In addition, from what this says, it doesn’t matter what the disease is, just fix it! I have water purifier for my water and an going to purify my water more! This book was so enlightening!

  16. I came upon this book quite by accident as I was looking at Alternative Healing titles and the subtitle drew me in: “How I Kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies”. In this time of a heavily mechanized, impersonal, expensive, “one size fits all” western medical approach where expensive and potentially dangerous pharmaceuticals are shoved at you relentlessly, I was interested in how someone could do anything in healthcare for “pennies”. Roi showed me how.

    If this is your first foray into Alternative Healing you may be skeptical at first as this information is not widely publicized. The Author shows you how a positive mindset, healthy eating and lifestyle, avoiding toxic medications and therapies if possible, and considering alternative treatments that are readily available, can truly change your life for the better. I encourage you to do your own research and decide for yourself which path to follow.

    The delivery of information is concise with nothing hidden: sources are cited and suggestions are provided to help you look up more information if desired. Roi is a master at presentation and it shows in this work. 1) Tell people what you are going to tell them. 2) Tell them. 3) Tell them what you told them. That’s it – simple, effective, and results-oriented. I appreciated that the Author included two areas for notes if desired.

    Buy this book. Read it. Pass it on to a “sick” friend. You’ll be glad you did.

  17. Finally! the first case of Lyme disease was noted about 1974 in a 14-year old boy, taken to the hospital with extreme pains in the muscles of his legs and unable to walk. This case, coupled with other pertinent facts related to the boy and a highly classified US government laboratory conducting research on contagious animal diseases in this same area, is suggestive of a link between these two events. The government laboratory alluded to is found on Plum Island, just north of Long Island, NY, and south of Lyme, Connecticut. Because of its secret nature, a “medically accepted” remedy will cost an absurd amount of time and resources to keep pathetic Big Pharma Industry going.
    Herb “Roi” Richards provides the inexpensive method You may NEVER receive from a Medical Doctor! Your BEST choice is to invest in this Ebook and then get the remedy! Thank You Mr. Richards for Your desire to share!

  18. We already started 3 months ago protocol and has been improvement since we started . So I was looking for some good news and hope since it’s hard for the taste and feel bad while taking it since symptoms are more intense and feel amazing while not taking it . But we cannot stop or a hard crash after 2-3 days off it . Wanted to see results stories . We are also incorporating herbs to have the Borrelia leave tissue go to blood stream .

    But liked about book how it mentions explains , that it’s not only through ticks but very highly contagious . Because we feel our whole family has it . And we have not been exposed to ticks .only husband .

  19. Amazing how much we don’t know about Lyme Disease!
    This is the most believable book I have come across, so easy to understand and so much helpful information for taking care of the various conditions created from Lyme Disease, that are disguised as something else. I never realized how much the symptoms of so many diseases could be misdiagnosed. I had a friend recently use your water purifier and was completely free of Lyme Disease in a short time. Doctors had told him, he would never be free of the disease, you proved them wrong. Thank you for your lovely book, I will share it with many.

  20. Compre este libro porque trataba de forma específica con el problema que estamos lidiando en casa. Me ha parecido un testimonio alentador a seguir con el tratamiento con MMS o dióxido de cloro que encontramos hace un tiempo y animo a los que estén en la misma situación a experimentar de forma informada con su cuerpo. Solo así conseguiremos la libertad verdadera.

  21. As others have said, the information is clear, concise and does not waste your time. Roi managed to share more information in a few pages as others try to do in volumes. Or in the multi-part webinar series that I’ve been watching lately (including one on Lyme). Some is interesting and new information that helps you understand why Lyme is so difficult to kick.

    I have used CD periodically for several years now and can testify to its safety and effectiveness against many health conditions. It is my first go-to solution for any bacteria, virus, parasite or toxic exposure. This book explains why it takes so long for even CD to kill the spirochete that causes Lyme, when it only takes one or two high-dose treatments to kill Malaria.

    The value of this book is not in the number of pages but the easily accessible information that can change a person’s life. I know a couple people suffering from Lyme, and one from giardia. This book will be gifts for each of them. Whether they choose to step outside of the box to heal themselves will be their choice alone.

  22. It sounds good but…. Before taking any advice in this book, it would be wise to do an internet search for safety warnings. The character listed as discovering this treatment has a questionable past which leaves me wondering about his credibility. Remember if it seems to good to be true, it probably is.

  23. This Is The Book! This has essential information for anyone who has various ailments and no definitive diagnosis. It’s invaluable.

  24. Nothing more than an ad for his course. The book has very little info on his “Cure” Links to a “Free” webinar which pushes a very expensive course.

  25. Motorcyclist Gets over Lyme in this Easy Read!
    I don’t read books very often but this was fascinating and I read through it all very quickly and was hungry for more. Slightly dated as there are now Protocols(1000) where health may be achieved in 3 weeks. But it’s a good place to start and inspirational. After reading I bought his other book about DMSO and then bought Jim Humble’s and Aldreas Kalcker’s books and read them all! Totally worth a look!

  26. I’m not sure how to feel about this. It starts with a pushback on cancer treatments, which leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Slightly conspiracy-led – and a bit too homebrew. But it’s written with good intentions and there are some nuggets of useful information. If all else has failed, give it a shot. But take it with a pinch of salt.

  27. Very informative, you might be surprised: This book is packed with information that reveals just how common lyme disease is and what is entailed in treating it. Most doctors don’t know this stuff.

  28. I stumbled upon your book, Lyme Disease Non-Medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies, by complete accident on Amazon. It was truly a fluke. I have been living with Lyme for nearly 50+ years, I am now 58. As family we can go back to an episode when I was 8. They thought I had contracted Scarlett Fever. Yet the Dr said he had never seen a case quite like it even when he was in Vietnam. I have suffered my entire life with a host of issues that have puzzled confused frustrated and eventually left me disabled. Unable to think clearly enough to work, be present enough to hold down a job, or even be the wife I wanted to be. Thank goodness my husband is an understanding and kind soul. Many others in my life have walked away, unable to cope with my lack of energy and “motivation”. I have ordered the MMS and it will be here 03/16/2025. I pray for good results and patients to allow it to do its “Magic” – I want to jump in with 3 drops every hour but I know better having Herx’d many times over the years. I have found such great comfort in your book, in your story, in your general wisdom. I know it varies from person to person but for the first time in years I have hope as never before. You make sense, I agree with all of what you are saying and have been preaching the same to anyone who would listen. Thank you so very much for your contributions to the Lyme world! We needed you!

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