Parasite Cleansing & Deworming a Natural Answer for Diabetes

In 2013, a woman who had struggled with diabetes for 20 years came to me seeking help. As a natural nutritionist, I am always looking for underlying causes of diet-related diseases, driven by a passion to dig deeper and find the true source of ailments. When it comes to diabetes, the solutions often defy conventional medical wisdom.

Before this discovery, I worked with diabetics using natural nutrition, achieving positive results, but the process was painstakingly slow. Then, I met Wayne Rowland, a man who had successfully freed over 100,000 diabetics from their condition in just three months. This was a turning point in my approach to diabetes.

Wayne recommended his disease symptom elimination program, including a parasite cleanse, deworming, gut rebuilding, and 10 cases of his Silver Water. His method incorporated three products I used regularly with my clients: DMSO, Chlorine Dioxide Water Purification Drops, and Silver Water Colloidal. Additional ingredients included digestive enzymes, purple dulse seaweed, and specific deworming preparations.

However, accessing these dewormers was challenging, as the FDA banned them from human consumption in the USA. Despite this, they were readily available for pet deworming, which raised an interesting question: if deworming is essential for pets, why wouldn’t humans, who get parasites from pets, need the same treatment?

Wayne firmly believed that parasitic worms were the cause of diabetes and offered a 100% money-back guarantee to diabetics who followed his program, even though he didn’t sell the products himself. Remarkably, not one claim was made, and no one remained diabetic after 90 days.

I introduced Wayne’s approach to my client, who volunteered to try it. Her journey included:

  1. Informing her doctor about the program.
  2. Facing skepticism from her doctor, who dismissed the idea of a worm problem and predicted it would fail.
  3. Feeling immediate improvements followed by temporary discomfort as the cleanse progressed.
  4. She experiences dramatic and sometimes shocking results as she rids her body of worms.
  5. After three months, she felt like she was no longer diabetic.
  6. Her doctor attributed her remission to his 20 years of hard work and the placebo effect of her positive mindset.

While I can’t definitively say that parasitic worms cause diabetes, Wayne’s disease symptom elimination program, which includes parasite cleansing and deworming, consistently works. Every individual who has embraced this method has experienced remarkable results, not just for diabetes but for various other health issues.

For reasons we might not fully understand, Wayne’s program delivers consistent and impressive outcomes. Whether it’s the worms or the comprehensive nature of the cleanse, this approach has proven to be a game-changer for many seeking a natural path to health.


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