Pathogenic Spirochetes in Relation to Lyme and Other Disease

The organism is called a pathogenic spirochete because its most visible form is a bacteria-sized corkscrew-shaped wormlike parasite and it is the most likely suspect in the proliferation of disease. It is the only organism on our planet with blood based on manganese, while all other organisms have blood based on iron. It has been theorized that the family of spirochetes that cause four different communicable diseases were actually deposited here by one of the meteorites that crashed into our planet.


Up until the Lyme disease variation of this parasite showed up, you had to have intimate contact with someone infected with one of the spirochete variations to get that disease. All that has changed with the bioweapon Lyme disease variation of the spirochete, which can be passed by any biting insect that is carrying spirochetes, as well as the same old person-to-person transfer.

Dr. Alan B. MacDonald, M.D., FCAP, FASCP, researched the Lyme spirochete from 1983 to 2013. He discovered that the Borrelia-type spirochete exists in several non-spiral forms as well as the spiral wormlike shape we are used to seeing in illustrations. He tracked individual groups of spirochetes through several shapes and back to the spiral shapes depending on the growing conditions.

These various forms include round-body spirochetes, cystic spirochetes, granular dot-type spirochetes, biofilm community spirochetes, and several other forms of that same organism. So far, ten distinctly different spirochete forms have been identified and tracked back to the spiral form.

The key here is that few medical specialists would recognize it in any of its various other forms, so diagnosis is extremely difficult. However, they all have one thing in common: They carry a positive electrical charge, whereas our body and all of its friendly bacteria carry a negative electrical charge.

It happens that all the pathogens that cause us physical problems carry that positive electrical charge regardless of what name they have been given.

The ideal solution to all those invading pathogens we face, including the spirochete group, would be to treat our body with a pathogen killer that seeks out and disintegrate all positive-charged critters, their + charged poop, and other debris in our bodies. There is such a product that is inexpensive, readily available, and that is exactly what we used successfully to get rid of Lyme disease. We did not use the product medically since it was not expensive enough to get medical approval.

Even though we wasted over $500.00 for a diagnosis, no diagnosis is really necessary unless you must know the brand name that’s been given to a certain bug to make you happy. Only positive-charged critters threaten our health, and this negative-charged pathogen killer tries to combine with anything in your body that has a positive charge. They both disintegrate into waste material and a tiny bit of salt.

To prevent our body’s elimination system from overloading, we used two or three drops of this common water purifier every hour during an eight-hour day to get rid of Lyme disease.

Could it really be that simple? It was for us!

I’m not trying to tell you it was quick and easy. Those few drops don’t taste all that good, even in the small glass or water we took them with, and sometimes we felt sick when our elimination system couldn’t quite keep up. We had to cut our drops in half and let our bodies catch up, but within a year, we were done with that case of Lyme disease.

We are fortunate not to have been reinfected, but we are a lot more careful now that we have been there and done that.

To prevent reinfection, one needs to be careful who one associates with. If one lives in tick country, one should also check their pets regularly and put a drop or two of sodium chlorite in their ceramic water bowls.

If all of that fails and you start having symptoms again, simply purify the water the same way you did to get rid of Lyme disease in the first place. If you get right on it when the first symptoms start showing up, it should only take about three weeks to get the job done.

I am grateful for the work conducted by Dr. Eva Sapi of the University of New Haven, who was the first to demonstrate that Lyme spirochetes can create their own complex biofilm community to survive indefinitely within their hosts, both humans and animals.

The story about how my wife and I got rid of Lyme disease is recorded in the book Lyme Disease Non-medical Diagnosis and Treatment: How I Kicked Chronic Lyme Disease in One Year for Pennies, which is available at your favorite bookstore.


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