The Lamp of Consciousness

To begin with, I want to make it clear that the life manager division of the subconscious mind is a natural integral part of every Earth human and has nothing to do whatsoever with any outside, occult, magical influence, spirit guides, or anything else outside your natural self.

Often poetically referred to as the genie in the lamp (of your consciousness), the life manager is a gift from the source of all life on this planet, so we can get the maximum enjoyment from exercising our free will. It is 100% real and natural.

Sometime back in the misty past, parents forgot to tell their children about the life manager and how to use it, and somehow that information was lost, until now.

Remember that I said, “the life manager,” not my life manager or your life manager. There is only one life manager consciousness for all humans, no matter where there are in the cosmos.

Since we have not been placing orders with the life manager, how has it fulfilled its duties for all of these centuries?

It was foreseen that we might not know of the life manager’s existence, so it was given a fallback method of getting its orders. The operation method it was given was to get us anything we put our attention to with some emotion.

Now are you beginning to see why our lives seem to go up and down like a yo-yo?

How often do you focus your attention on something you definitely don’t want with even stronger emotions than on things you desire?

Yes, to the life manager, the amount of emotion you display when you focus on something indicates how badly you want it.

A good example of how that works is the individual who just got a divorce from the mate from hell and tells everyone who will listen just how bad that mate was. Of course, this is said with lots of emotion. The result is that they are soon married again to someone who is possibly even worse because the life manager likes to give you what you want plus a little more, like a bonus for your requests.

Yes, I did say, “requests,” because the life manager considers anything you put your attention on with emotion to be an order for that item, person, experience, etc.

Can a request you really want be stopped almost as soon as its made? Certainly; all you have to do to stop a request from arriving is to try and figure out how it could happen with your income, background, education, social status, etc.

I’ll give you an example; Years ago, right after Toyota introduced their new Celica, I was walking down the sidewalk in Long Beach, California, and saw one of those Celicas parked by the curb. I looked it all over and said to the friend who was with me, “This is a really neat car. I’d sure like to drive one of these sometime.” I didn’t wonder how much it cost, try to figure out if I could afford it, what the payments might be, etc.

It turns out that a few years later I met Taylore, who became my wife, and she had just bought a new Toyota Celica, and of course, I got to drive it a lot. The question in my mind is; Did the life manager nudge Taylore to buy that Celica because of that simple statement I’d made earlier? You see, the price of the car or being able to make payments, etc., did not even enter into the transaction necessary to fulfill my request.

I didn’t yet know about the life manager’s existence and I just thought that was a fantastic coincidence and remarked about it to Taylore at the time.

So, the genie is real and the wishes are unlimited unless you are inflexible enough in your thinking to limit them.

We hope to impress upon you the importance of not overthinking your desires and thereby slowing down or stopping their arrival.

Now I think it’s time to show you how I got an expensive power tool for my shop for 1/10 of its price after I had discovered the life manager and had figured out how it worked.

I had wanted a miter saw for my workshop for some time but not enough to pay the $550.00 asking price for one. So, every time I went to the Home Depot or Lowes, I would always go to the tool section and slide one of those saws back and forth on their rails a few times and say, “It would sure be nice to have one of these in my workshop one day.” I did that for about 2 years, not commenting on the cost or anything.

We do and internet mailout business of alternative health products and back then, we hauled the packages five miles to the local post office to mail them just after one o’clock every afternoon.

Coming back, I noticed a yard sale and drove by as usual. All of a sudden, I had a really strong urge to turn around and go back to that sale. When I arrived at the sale, the first thing I noticed was an almost new miter saw setting there with a $55.00 price tag. Before I could even get my money out, three more guys pulled in ready to buy it if I turned it down.

Well, of course, I bought it and I have used it in my shop for about 12 years now, as I write this.

I’ve often wondered what all the life manager had to do to fulfill my order. Just think of what it took to get that saw there and 1/10th its price, get me to go back to the sale, and keep everyone else who wanted one to wait ’til after 1:00 and I had a chance to buy it.

Soon, you also will have memorable coincidences from consciously working with the life manager, with the understanding that there is nothing coincidental about coincidence.

Feel free to leave your experience below in the comments section to add to our file of life manager success stories.


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