The Secret’s Out! The Parasite and Worm Epidemic in America!

There’s a dirty little secret in America that no medical doctor will tell you; parasites and worms are far more common than you’d ever believe. They are not just something people pick up in third-world countries or from traveling abroad. The truth is, unless you’ve done an extensive parasite cleanse and deworming regimen and live in a bubble, you’ve got them. Everyone does. And if you don’t take control of the situation, they will take control of you.

I’ve been trained in natural nutrition. I’ve got my Ph.D. in it. I can tell you everything about food—how it fuels your body, how it heals, and how modern food choices are contributing to disease. But one thing I wasn’t fully prepared for was how out of control the parasite problem in this country.

Medical schools barely touch on it. The common belief is that parasites aren’t an issue in America—just an occasional problem when someone returns from an exotic vacation. That idea is completely misleading, if not an outright lie. I didn’t realize how serious this problem was until I started working with Wayne Rowland, a Native American shaman and medical intuitive who specialized in parasites and worms.

Wayne Rowland was a phenomenon. He could look at a person and see exactly where parasites were congregated and what kind of damage they were causing, and he was right every single time. He didn’t need tests or fancy medical equipment, his intuitive abilities were razor-sharp. Working alongside him, I learned to achieve similar results, though I relied on applied kinesiology and muscle testing rather than psychic sight. But no matter which method I used, the result was always the same: massive worm infestations in nearly every individual I tested.

You’ve Got Parasites—Now What?

If you’ve never done a serious, comprehensive parasite cleanse, you’re teeming with them. These parasites live off you, feeding on your nutrients, damaging your organs, and compromising your immune system. If left unchecked, they will slowly drain you until you’re a shell of your former self. I firmly believe that one of the reasons I’ve made it to 96 years old – still active, still running my tree farm at Reiki Ranch, still riding motorcycles, and operating heavy equipment – is because I’ve kept these invaders under control.

Most people don’t realize how easy it is to pick up parasites. They are everywhere:

On your food. Even organic produce is crawling with microscopic parasites and their eggs. If you could see what’s on the skin of that orange under a microscope, you’d never touch it again. The moment your warm fingers make contact, tens of thousands of parasite eggs cling to your skin, waiting for you to touch your face, your mouth, or any break in the skin to enter your body.

  • In the air. Parasite eggs are microscopic and airborne, so you’re breathing them in constantly.
  • In water. Even filtered water can contain dormant parasite eggs.
  • In raw food (a given). Fruits, vegetables, all meats, dairy, seafood, etc. but even
  • In cooked food. Heat-resistant eggs can survive cooking, waiting to hatch once inside your body.

My Personal Parasite Protocol

Because parasites are unavoidable, the key is to keep them in check. Here’s what I do:

  • Chlorine Dioxide Soak for Produce – Before eating any fruit or vegetable, I give it a quick soak in chlorine dioxide to kill parasites and their eggs.
  • Regular Hand Washing – To avoid transferring parasites to my mouth, I wash my hands thoroughly after handling food.
  • Annual Parasite Cleansing – Wayne Rowland always recommended a three-month parasite cleanse the first time, followed by a one-month cleanse annually. I stick to this regimen religiously.
  • Rotating Parasite Protocols – Parasites adapt quickly, so I rotate my treatments to keep them from becoming resistant.
  • My go-to remedies include:
    • Ivermectin (rotated with fenbendazole so as not to create super worms)
    • Silver Water Colloidal (refer to Wayne’s and my book Silver Water Colloidal for more on this)
    • Enzymes that break down parasite biofilm

Take Action—Your Life Depends on It

Most people don’t like to think about parasites. They’d rather believe it’s a problem that doesn’t exist in America. But ignoring it won’t make it go away. I encourage everyone to do a serious parasite cleanse and deworming, stay consistent, and take back control of their health.

Cleanse your body, eat right, and who knows? You just might grow old without growing old. Like me.


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