Underground: Prostate Problems, Prostatitis, Prostate Cancer

Prostate health is a big concern, especially for older men. Prostate cancer is the most common type of cancer in American men and the second leading cause of cancer-related deaths. Problems like needing to pee a lot, especially at night, might be a sign of an enlarged prostate pushing against the urethra. This can mess up sleep and lead to bladder and kidney infections because leftover urine allows bacteria to grow.

Doctors usually treat prostate problems with medicine or surgery, but there are also natural ways to support prostate health.

Understanding Prostate Issues

The prostate is a small gland under the bladder and in front of the rectum. It helps make the fluid in semen. Common prostate issues include an enlarged prostate (BPH), prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate), and prostate cancer. Symptoms can range from frequent urination and trouble peeing to more serious problems.

High PSA Levels

You can try chlorine dioxide water purification drops if your PSA levels are high. Start with one drop of Part 1 and one drop of Part 2 in a clean, dry glass. Let it sit for 30 seconds, then add 4 ounces of distilled water. Slowly increase the dosage until you reach three activated drops every hour for 8 to 10 hours a day, continuing for three weeks or until you feel better.1

Prostatitis Symptoms and Treatment

Prostatitis can cause pain in the lower body, including the perineum, pelvis, genitals, lower back, and buttocks. Other symptoms include blood in urine or semen, pain when peeing, frequent urination, trouble starting to pee, and pain during ejaculation.

For relief, some people apply a mix of 3 parts pharmaceutical-grade DMSO and 1 part silver ion water to the painful area and let it air dry for 15 to 20 minutes. Additionally, drinking a teaspoon of DMSO in a cup of natural cranberry juice twice daily for at least three weeks can help.2

Reviewing Prostate Cancer Detection and Treatment

Even though prostate cancer is common, the way we screen and treat it is still a subject of concern.

Prevalence and Overdiagnosis

Studies show that most Western men in their 80s, and almost all men over 100, have prostate cancer, but up to 90% of these cancers never cause any problems. Current screening methods, like the PSA blood test and digital rectal exams, can’t always tell the difference between harmless and dangerous tumors. This can lead to overdiagnosis, which means more people are told they have cancer without improving their chances of survival.

Questioning Early Detection

Many people think that catching prostate cancer early will save their lives, but studies suggest this might not be true. The 10-year survival rate for men who have treatments like surgery or radiation is lower than for those who don’t. These treatments also have serious side effects, like trouble peeing, incontinence, impotence, rectal injury, heart and lung problems, pain, and even early death. External beam radiation therapy, in particular, weakens the immune system.

The Misconception of Early Detection

A lot of men believe that early detection of prostate cancer saves lives, but there isn’t enough clinical evidence to support this. Until treatments are proven to improve life quality or length, prostate cancer screening should be done carefully.

Tumor Detection and Growth

Most tumors found during a digital rectal exam are about ten years old. Prostate cancer cells double in number roughly every five years, and the cancer grows more slowly in men over 55. This slow growth is why most men die with prostate cancer rather than from it.

Natural Remedies and Lifestyle Changes for Prostate Health

While doctors often use medicines and surgeries to treat prostate problems, there are also many natural and holistic ways to help keep your prostate healthy.

DMSO and Cranberry Juice

DMSO is a compound that can be used in different medical treatments. In some hospitals, DMSO is given through a catheter, but you can also drink it. A common practice is mixing a teaspoon of pharmaceutical-grade DMSO with a cup of natural cranberry juice and drinking it twice daily for three weeks. People believe this method is effective and easier to do at home.2

Zinc and Prostate Health

The prostate gland holds about 30% of the body’s zinc. Not getting enough zinc can cause the prostate to swell. To help with this, you can mix DMSO with Angstrom Zinc and apply it directly to the prostate area. In an 8 oz PET plastic bottle, mix 5 ½ oz of DMSO with 2 ½ oz of Angstrom Zinc. Angstrom Zinc is a type of zinc with very small particles easily absorbed by the body. This makes it more effective than many other zinc supplements. Spray the mixture on a clean hand and rub it into the prostate area. This method is thought to work better than taking zinc by mouth.2

Montana Yew Tip

Montana Yew Tip is known for reducing inflammation and addressing prostate problems. Natural health experts use it to treat prostatitis, pain, diabetes, stomach ulcers, fever, dysentery, boils, and other conditions. Mix 5 oz of DMSO with ½ oz of Silver Water and 2 ½ oz of Yew Tip Oil to use it on the skin. Spray the mixture on and around the prostate area and rub it in well. The mixture may make the skin feel warm.2

Reducing Nickel Exposure

Nickel can attract bacteria to the prostate, making problems worse. Lowering nickel exposure can help. Common sources of nickel include metal utensils, dental work, and some foods. Using wooden or plastic utensils and asking a dentist about non-metal dental work can reduce the amount of nickel you’re exposed to.

Natural Supplements

  • Saw Palmetto: This herb has been used for a long time to help with urinary symptoms from an enlarged prostate. It works by blocking an enzyme that changes testosterone into DHT, a hormone that can cause the prostate to grow.
  • Stinging Nettle: The root of this herb helps with urinary health and reduces symptoms of an enlarged prostate.
  • Pumpkin Seeds: These seeds are rich in zinc and other nutrients that can help shrink the prostate and improve urinary function.
  • Flaxseed: Adding flaxseed to your diet can provide extra health benefits.
  • Zinc Supplements: Taking 60 mg of zinc twice a day for a month can support prostate health.
    Dietary Adjustments


Drinking plenty of water and avoiding caffeine and alcohol can help manage urinary symptoms.

Detoxification and Parasite Cleansing

Regular detoxification and cleansing to remove toxins, parasites, parasitic worms, and their waste from the body are extremely helpful. These practices can eliminate what some experts believe are hidden causes of prostate problems and cancer.4

Energy and Frequency Devices

Energy and frequency devices, such as the Rife Machine4 and Tesla Terahertz/THz Healing Wand3, can be used non-invasively to affect the area of the area of the prostate, enabling it to return to normal function. Also effective in the treatment of others cancers as well.

Energy Healing and Metaphysical Practices

Techniques like Reiki3, acupuncture, and meditation can help balance the body’s energy and reduce stress, which is often linked to prostate issues.

Dietary Adjustments for Prostate Cancer

Changing your diet can have a big impact on prostate cancer. For example, men with advanced prostate cancer who followed a low-fat diet lived 13 years longer than those who didn’t change their diet. Eating a diet with only 10% fat can correct risk factors that lead to cancer cell growth, which medical treatments sometimes don’t fix. The strength of a man’s immune system is more important to surviving prostate cancer than medical treatments.

Eating foods that reduce inflammation, like berries, fatty fish, and green leafy vegetables, can help reduce prostate inflammation and improve overall health.

Exercise and Physical Activity

Regular exercise, especially exercises that strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, can help improve urinary control and support prostate health.

Historical and Metaphysical Perspectives

Different cultures have used natural remedies for prostate health throughout history. For example, traditional Chinese medicine often uses herbs like saw palmetto and stinging nettle. Additionally, practices like energy healing have been used to address the emotional and spiritual aspects of prostate health.

By using these natural remedies and making lifestyle changes, you can take steps to maintain and improve your prostate health. Always talk to a natural healthcare professional before making big changes to your health routine.

  1.  Healthy Alternative Chlorine Dioxide Uses Non-pharmacological Health Restoration, Paris Humble
  2.  DMSO for Humans: Recipes and Treatment, Herb Roi Richards
  3.  The Quantum Science Energy Tesla Terahertz/THz Healing Wand, The Holistic Health Benefits of Usui Reiki: Path to Wellness, What Is Cancer? How Do You Get It? What Can You Do About It? Taylore Vance
  4.  Silver Water Colloidal: Silver for Humans’ Health, Wellness, and Healing, Wayne Rowland


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