What Is Disease? It’s Your Body Trying to Tell You Something

The word “disease” doesn’t mean what you’ve been told. It’s not a scary, incurable thing that will always make you sick. Disease is really just your body’s way of telling you something is wrong. You feel this as being uncomfortable or “dis-ease.” Your body is trying to communicate, and the symptoms are the way it talks to you.

When you start to feel sick or off, it’s like your body is sounding an alarm. You’ve noticed something is wrong, and that’s a good first step! But what happens next is where most people make a mistake.

Today, when we feel any sign of illness, most of us run straight to the doctor. This reaction is because of over 100 years of media, education, and social influence pushed by the pharmaceutical companies. These companies have taught us to rely on medicine to make us feel better without thinking about the deeper reasons for our discomfort.

Your Body Reacts to Everything

Your body reacts to things all the time. If you pay attention, you can hear what it’s trying to say. For example, when you’re exposed to harmful things like toxins, pollution, or even strong electromagnetic waves, your body gives you signs like sneezing, headaches, or watery eyes. These symptoms are your body’s way of alerting you that something isn’t right.

The same thing happens when you eat or drink something. Your body reacts to whatever you put inside it. If you eat food that your body doesn’t agree with, it will try to tell you. Instead of listening to these signals, most people go to the doctor or take medicine to shut off the body’s communication.

Ignoring the Root Problem

When you take medicine to get rid of the symptoms, it might feel good for a little while. But that doesn’t fix the real problem. The medicine shuts down your body’s way of telling you something is wrong, but the cause of the discomfort is still there. Over time, this can make things worse, and your body will try to send you stronger signals that something isn’t right.

Eventually, if the root cause isn’t addressed, the problem can become serious. At this point, the medical system might offer treatments like surgery or strong medications that can keep you alive but at a high cost to your health and finances.

Undigested Food: A Hidden Problem

One big issue people don’t talk about enough is undigested food. When your body can’t break down food properly, it starts to rot inside your body. This process releases harmful toxins that can spread through your body, causing all kinds of problems. These toxins can settle in your tissues, organs, or bloodstream, leading to more signs of dis-ease.

You can check how your body is doing with a simple pH test. A pH test strip, found at most stores, can help you see if your body is in balance. A normal pH level is 7. If it’s too high or too low, it means your body needs attention, likely in your digestive system.

Medicine Masks the Problem rather than helps the body thrive

When you go to the doctor, they usually prescribe drugs that can make you feel better for a little while. But these drugs don’t fix the real problem—they just mask the symptoms. Stimulant drugs can make your body more alkaline, while depressants can make it more acidic. Neither option fixes the underlying issue; they just change how your body feels.

Pay Attention to the Signs

Symptoms, like a cough or stomachache, are your body’s way of telling you that something isn’t right, just like the warning lights on a car’s dashboard. If the oil light comes on in your car, you wouldn’t just turn it off without checking the oil, right? But with our bodies, we often do just that—turn off the warning signs without fixing the actual problem.

Your body, like a car, needs good fuel and regular care. When a warning sign shows up, it’s important to figure out what’s causing it, not just shut it off.

Take Control of Your Health

Your body is amazing and can heal itself when given the chance. But to do that, you need to listen to the signs it’s sending you. Don’t ignore the signals or rely only on quick fixes that don’t address the real problem.

By paying attention to what your body is telling you, and making changes to improve your health, you can avoid getting seriously sick. Remember, disease is not something to fear—it’s your body’s way of asking for help. Listen to it, and you’ll be on your way to better health!

See also: Can You Get a Miraculous Cure from Your Doctor

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