Pathogenic Spirochetes in Relation to Lyme and Other Disease

The organism is called a pathogenic spirochete because its most visible form is a bacteria-sized corkscrew-shaped wormlike parasite and it is the most likely suspect in the proliferation of disease. It is the only organism on our planet with blood based on manganese, while all other organisms have blood based on iron. It has been… Continue reading Pathogenic Spirochetes in Relation to Lyme and Other Disease

Exposing the Most Misdiagnosed Disease Cover Up

Many people unknowingly suffer from a disease that remains largely undiagnosed and inadequately treated. This condition, despite its widespread prevalence, often goes unnoticed because the prescribed medications only alleviate symptoms without addressing the root cause, which may very well be the pathogenic spirochete, a microscopic parasitic worm with stealth technology. A Stealthy and Contagious Intruder… Continue reading Exposing the Most Misdiagnosed Disease Cover Up