Doctors, Lawyers, and the Business of Keeping You Stuck

What do doctors and lawyers have in common? At first glance, you might think they belong to completely different worlds, one focused on healing, the other on justice. But look closer, and you’ll see they operate under the same system of control, not for the benefit of the people they serve, but to support an ever-expanding… Continue reading Doctors, Lawyers, and the Business of Keeping You Stuck

What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About the Importance of Iodine

Hey there, folks, it’s Herb Roi Richards here, and today we’re diving deep into the essential element that often goes unnoticed but plays a monumental role in our well-being: iodine. You might not realize it, but every secreting gland in your body needs large amounts of iodine to function optimally. In this article, we’ll explore… Continue reading What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About the Importance of Iodine