Turn Upside Down Medicine in the United States Right Side Up

The first heart attack was recorded in 1896. Shortly thereafter, John D. Rockefeller Sr. and Andrew Carnegie teamed up to take over the 160 medical colleges, churning out doctors in the USA. Armed with the influential Abraham Flexner Report of 1910, they were able to wipe out all but 66 medical schools that complied with new regulations supporting the emerging petrochemical industry, recognizing the potential for pharmaceutical drugs made from oil.

We lost 94 medical schools that refused to embrace the petrochemical pharmaceutics trend. Since then, we have developed many diseases that did not exist before 1910.

We have adopted a supply system responsible for contributing to the constant bombardment of bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites that are the main contributing factors to these new diseases. Suppose you eat food, use consumables or self-care products, drink water, wear clothes, bathe, walk barefoot, or breathe the air. In that case, your body is contaminated and toxified by these free-flowing contributors to disease.

It’s no wonder you’re sick! Of course, you are!

Thank God there are things you can do to reduce your propensity for disease. Limit your exposure to certain pathogens, and cleanse your body of parasites and deworm to help keep these invaders at bay.

While you should check with your natural health care provider before attempting any modification to your diet or lifestyle, there is a good chance that doctors trained under Rockefeller medicine constraints will have little or no clue about medical practices that predated the 1910 extermination of practical medicine.

By practical medicine, I mean that before 1910, doctors practiced medicine that healed their patients and made them better. If you practiced as a doctor and did not cure people of what ailed them regularly, you were out of business and probably ran out of town as well.

Currently, doctors are trained in the “medical science” developed by the creators of the petrochemical pharmaceuticals and provided to the medical schools training our doctors.

This model is based on treating symptoms, which is far more profitable than eliminating the cause of what ails you, which was practiced before 1910. That’s why many of us, myself included, conduct medical research based on medical modalities practiced in the 1800s when long-lasting results had priority over long-term treatment.

So, what can you do?

Stop Drinking Tap Water

The first thing you can do is stop drinking tap water. It is better for you than drinking raw sewage, but that’s about as far as it goes. Municipal chlorinated water is free from most pathogens, not all, and the chlorine itself is responsible for many thousands of cases of bladder and rectal cancer, among other ailments.

Find a new, reliable source for your drinking water, and exercise extreme caution when buying bottled water, which is most often bottled municipal water. Distilled water is best.

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is well aware of the problem. It maintains that the benefits outweigh the risks associated with drinking the chlorinated water, even though it knows hundreds of thousands of people will get cancer this year by doing so.

Get Pesticide-free

I know it sounds next to impossible in this day and age to think that they might be able to live a pesticide-free lifestyle, and you may be right, But there are lifestyle changes that can greatly reduce your exposure to pesticides.
Avoid Toxic Skin Treatments

Leave it to the petrochemical labs to create skin care products that offer temporary satisfactory results and long-term health damage at the same time. However, the consumer has no idea they are being slowly poisoned to death until the poison’s cumulative work is already done.

Instead, avoid toxic skin offenders such as air pollution, excessive sunlight exposure, X-rays, drinking alcohol, and smoking cigarettes. You must expose yourself to sunshine sufficiently to receive its Vitamin D but don’t overdo it until you burn. If it’s too late and you’ve already exposed yourself to these skin-destroying toxins, there are things you can do.

First, stop the exposure and start taking antioxidants.

If given the proper raw materials, your body can regenerate and replace damaged skin cells and even organs over time.

Stay Cancer-free

If you stop exposing yourself to cancer-causing substances, infuse your body with natural cancer-preventive ingredients, and eliminate early signs of cancer, you can remain cancer-free, never exposing yourself fully to the deadly “incurable” disease.

A side note: in the 1800s, it was widely believed that cancer was caused by parasitic worms. Whether true or not, treating cancer patients with parasitic worms almost always eliminates the cancer. This is very curious.

Build a Strong Immune System

With all the medications we take today, it’s a wonder we have any natural immunity left at all. Oh, wait a minute. We pretty much don’t have an immune system anymore. It’s been all but stamped out by excess exposure to toxins and pills that squelch the symptoms and any natural immune response (which might be considered a treatable symptom as well).

Rebuilding the basic human immune system is one of the most important things you could do to impact your natural survivability and health and contribute to longevity.

If you must put something on your skin, why not make it magnesium chloride from the ocean because it soaks through the skin and helps the body use calcium properly.

To get you back on the right track supplementally, consider vitamins A, E, zinc, and selenium.

Get Arthritis-free

Thinking about being arthritis-free is natural for someone who doesn’t have an arthritic condition, for those who do, the idea seem preposterous. Modern medical parlance would suggest that inflammation is the cause of arthritis. It certainly is an underlying symptom.

What is the root cause? If it is caused by parasites, parasitic worms, and their waste, as doctors treated in the 1800s, then treating arthritis with pain relievers only makes matters worse, as the parasites are free to grow in numbers uninhibited.

Tring an 1800s-style parasitic cleanse, and deworming might be in order.

Be Happy

The best thing you can do for your mind, body, and immune system is to find ways to be happy and resist the urge to be influenced by stressful situations.

This takes proactivity on your part, if you feel yourself wavering from happiness, headed toward depression or feeling encroached by stressful feelings, do something radical to change your state as soon as possible.

Put on your favorite happy song and dance. Watch a comedy movie on Netflix. Make sure you have something funny as heck on your cell phone for immediate access. If you can put yourself in a state of happiness, you can ward off the effects of depression and stress, which are prematurely aging you every minute they affect you.


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