Discovering the true causes of diseases often challenges what we’ve been told, including by our doctors. But did you know that there are simple ways to remove diseases from our bodies without needing medical help? It might sound unbelievable, but it’s true. I’ve had the chance to learn from some amazing healers who have helped… Continue reading Understanding Disease and Taking Charge of Your Health
Author: Herb Roi Richards
Getting Rid of Incurable Diseases
First, let me explain why the following major diseases are considered incurable. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, lupus, Lyme disease, and the common cold. In fact, any English scholar can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that all diseases, not just the aforementioned, are, at best, ignorant. We should all realize that… Continue reading Getting Rid of Incurable Diseases
Water | Hidden Danger Alert! How to Stop Drinking Bad Water!
This danger in water is easily erased and I’m going to tell you how to do it and help you understand why it’s a danger. I don’t know about you, but I will not take any action until it makes sense to me. Hopefully, you will see why action is necessary in the case of… Continue reading Water | Hidden Danger Alert! How to Stop Drinking Bad Water!
Coconut Cures You by Herb Roi Richards
Now, for something you won’t believe until you experience it even though it is backed up by science. Several big industries have spent millions to get tilted studies to prove that the natural goodness of coconut is bad for your health. Right now, on Amazon, you will find dozens of books that prove otherwise. Most… Continue reading Coconut Cures You by Herb Roi Richards
Exploring Disease and its Association with Vitamin Deficiency
There has been so much hype about vitamins for years that most of us don’t pay attention to vitamins at all anymore. I came across some information that proves that it is much easier to contract various serious diseases in the absence of proper amounts of specific vitamins. What follows should alert you to the… Continue reading Exploring Disease and its Association with Vitamin Deficiency
What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About the Importance of Iodine
Hey there, folks, it’s Herb Roi Richards here, and today we’re diving deep into the essential element that often goes unnoticed but plays a monumental role in our well-being: iodine. You might not realize it, but every secreting gland in your body needs large amounts of iodine to function optimally. In this article, we’ll explore… Continue reading What Your Doctor Doesn’t Know About the Importance of Iodine
Exposing the Most Misdiagnosed Disease Cover Up
Many people unknowingly suffer from a disease that remains largely undiagnosed and inadequately treated. This condition, despite its widespread prevalence, often goes unnoticed because the prescribed medications only alleviate symptoms without addressing the root cause, which may very well be the pathogenic spirochete, a microscopic parasitic worm with stealth technology. A Stealthy and Contagious Intruder… Continue reading Exposing the Most Misdiagnosed Disease Cover Up
Reconsidering Antibiotics Prior to Modern Medicine and After
Microorganisms are the most predominant of all creatures. Microbes are often regarded as an outside force as if they attack us from the outside, but in fact, billions, even trillions, of them live inside or on us. The number of microbes in our bodies outnumbers the number of cells in our bodies. Microbes are the… Continue reading Reconsidering Antibiotics Prior to Modern Medicine and After
Overcoming Cancer – Inexpensive – Not Painful
Would you believe there has been an inexpensive virtually painless way to get rid of cancer without harming the rest of the body since around 1968? It’s only known drawbacks are that it is inexpensive and the cancer is gone quickly! That’s right, the medical profession is only interested in the big money. Your pain,… Continue reading Overcoming Cancer – Inexpensive – Not Painful
1st of June and 39° This Morning
(That is just seven degrees above freezing in June.) When I went to school they taught us that the ice age happened thousands of years ago and the world was covered in ice and snow and civilization came to a halt and most people died of starvation. It might surprise you (I know it surprised… Continue reading 1st of June and 39° This Morning
I am from the US Public Health Service I am here to help you
A common myth is that it has been our beneficial government of The United States of America that has been in charge of the United States since 1776. The following 40-year health atrocity proves we are not governed by The United States of America. A government-sponsored germ warfare experiment was done in the United States… Continue reading I am from the US Public Health Service I am here to help you
Why is Health Education the Way It is Today?
Did you know that the Rockefellers have funded the General Education Board since 1903? What does that have to do with health? Their wealth comes from petroleum and its derivatives: pharmaceuticals, plastics, nylon, and other artificial patentable products such as drugs and other medications. Now do you see why their funding of the General Education… Continue reading Why is Health Education the Way It is Today?