Longevity: Wayne Rowland Disease Symptom Elimination Program

Now that I can clearly see myself as a centenarian very soon, I often get asked, “How did you do it?” Not only that, but I enjoy a life and lifestyle that anyone a third of my age would love to have. One of my associates is often impressed at my daily activities, which include trail-riding motorcycles and 4-wheelers and operating heavy machinery, when others my age are “in nursing homes or dead,” according to him.

I could say that my life is simply the result of living a good one, but that would make it appear as if I had not given the idea of health, wellness, and longevity much thought. On the contrary, I have given this life much thought, and my vitality is due to my willful and continual attention.

I have offered my 10 Steps to a Long and Happy Life to those who have asked, but by far, the most important discovery I made in my life was in the learning of how to personally take control of my health and well-being, and the thought to focus my attention in this manner may not have occurred to me had I not lost my wife to cancer treatment.

I say “cancer treatment” intentionally because she did not die from the cancer; she died from the treatment of her cancer. I know now that it was the chemotherapy and radiation that killed her. This propelled me to learn more, and I ended up earning my Ph.D. in natural nutrition, the beginning of a major shift in my life.

I then expanded my studies into advanced consciousness and quantum physics and, with my new wife, Taylore, founded an independent school for higher learning at our Reiki Ranch near Chehalis, Washinton.

I have experienced amazing opportunities and have shared the stage with amazing people including my friend, Wayne Rowland, with whom I helped to create the Disease Symptom Elimination Program. At the time, he was teaching about his Parasite Cleanse and Deworming Program, and I was helping others overcome chronic Lyme disease using methods that my wife and I discovered while dealing with our Lyme issues.

What Wayne and I came up with was a method to eliminate most, if not all, symptoms of disease, no matter what diagnosis and/or treatment a person may have been subjected to. Considering my experience with this program and the results that I have witnessed so far, I would lean toward a 100% claim, except I’m sure that would put my mortality at stake.

Wayne was very boisterous about his health claims and success data in freeing others from injuries, disorders, diseases, and all kinds of health challenges, while I remained more subdued. When we first started working together it appeared to me that Wayne was very cautious about how he dealt with his discoveries, not wanting to rock the boat too much or draw attention to himself because he did not want to become a target.

The more successful his results and the more they contradicted authorized medical practice, the more bold he became, even offering a 100% money-back guarantee for those plagued with incurable disease, even though he didn’t sell or profit in any way from the products he recommended. He was willing to pay them back every penny from his own pocket if they did not overcome their disease symptoms completely if they followed his program. And he never had anyone request a refund because they were all healed beyond belief.

Wayne was taken by way of a heart attack, which was unexpected to me. I knew he had molecular issues from lead poisoning and that he was using alternative methods to address them. He was making incredible progress doing so, but heart failure? I did not see that coming.

Following Wayne’s celebration of life, so many other natural alternative specialists and holistic doctors started to die unexpectedly from heart attacks, that practitioners began to close their practices, retire, and find new careers because the statistics were frightening. It just seemed really strange that prominent holistic health practitioners suddenly started dying of heart attacks while in perfect health.

For those who care to know about Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program, it can be found in his book, “Silver Water Colloidal,” which is mostly about his medical alternative journey and his creation of a new type of safe drinking water that is musically infused colloidal silver water uniquely made with Tesla lightning.

Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program

The following is Wayne’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program.

Ingredients required for a one-month Disease Symptom Elimination Kit:

  • 3 quarts of Silver Water
  • Ultrazyme Plus
  • WR Dulse Seaweed
  • Silver Water Greens 15 ounces
  • DMSO
  • Chlorine Dioxide

Add to the basic kit Lugol’s iodine and your choice of dewormer, available from veterinarians or farm stores. There are three basic varieties:

  1. Benzimidazoles (i.e., mebendazole or fenbendazole).
  2. Pyrimidines (i.e., pyrantel).
  3. Macrocyclic lactones (i.e., ivermectin or moxidectin).

The program consists of a three-month duration. In addition to the dewormers mentioned above, you can choose a combination of at least two of the varieties. You could use all three, or if there is one in particular that you would prefer to use, it is recommended to use that one in months one and three and an alternate type of dewormer for month two to prevent worms from acclimatizing or evolving.

Wayne also suggests using an alternate over-the-counter parasitic or dewormer in addition to the types listed above to change up the frequency of the deworming program. This helps to catch the hardest-to-kill varieties of worms off guard and makes them more susceptible to efforts to exterminate them.

I use Montana Yew Tips as the alternate parasitic for day 15 through the end of the month.

For those who are sensitive to problematic disease symptoms, have weakened immune symptoms, or existing poor gut health, Wayne suggests adding the following to the monthly regimen:

  • Ultrabiotic Plus
  • Bio-DynaZyme
  • Serrapeptase

I know that asking anyone to do anything for 90 days is a lot to ask and keep in mind no one is asking you to do anything. This is just information. Some people, based on their own inquisitiveness and investigation have tried a program such as this Disease Symptom Elimination Program with satisfactory results. A method such as this would likely not be sanctioned by any card-carrying healthcare provider.

Wayne’s book, Silver Water Colloidal, was never intended for the public, only for people who attended our classes and seminars. Since he is no longer at risk for further persecution or prosecution, it is now available for information purposes only.

Today, I am 95 years old and confidently live a happy life that has been long but not long enough for me to have any intention of leaving any day soon. I am in good health, actively enjoying life to the fullest every day, and free from parasites, health complications, and disease.

I stay active, do the things I love to do, some of the things I have to do, pay attention to what I put in my body, avoid poisonous ingredients, and take no medically prescribed medications.

If I found myself facing a life-threatening illness or disease, there is no doubt that I would immediately conduct another round of Wayne Rowland’s Disease Symptom Elimination Program because life is too short to spend any unnecessary time dealing with such medical constructs. I avoid spending even a minute being sick and tired and would rather be caught continuing to live my life to the fullest every moment of every day.




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