Getting Rid of Incurable Diseases

First, let me explain why the following major diseases are considered incurable. Cancer, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, fibromyalgia, Multiple Sclerosis, diabetes, lupus, Lyme disease, and the common cold. In fact, any English scholar can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that all diseases, not just the aforementioned, are, at best, ignorant.

We should all realize that millions of dollars are collected every year because these various societies and foundations can honestly say they have not found a cure for their particular disease, even though they’ve managed to spend another 10 million, etc., etc., last year trying.

Not one of those diseases is ill. Something that is not ill, sick, or impaired can’t be cured, period. It’s a scam, folks, brought on by our teachers and those who have trained them and who have allowed us to use our language in a way that manipulates us.

Rice and Sugar Cure for Diabetes

Take diabetes, for instance. In the 1940s, Duke University’s Dr. Kempner cured an impressive number of patients suffering from various forms of diabetes by putting them on his Rice and Sugar Diet. That’s not something that you are likely to hear about at your average medical associates’ soiree due to being swept under the carpet by the American Medical Association. Whatever you’ve been told about the causes or reasons for your illness or disease is probably not true.

If, however, someone were to tell you how to get rid of your particular incurable disease, that’s another story altogether. There are courageous real doctors out there, some with degrees and some without, who have developed protocols to get rid of every one of the major incurable diseases.

Now that you are aware of why your particular disease is incurable, it frees you up to find that special someone who has conquered your particular brand of incurable disease. Read on, I hope to prove to you that there are a few simple solutions to getting rid of the incurable diseases. Ultimately, that’s what you want, isn’t it?

You do want to get back to the enjoyment of life rather than just enduring it, don’t you?

I know some of you feel that you’ve done something dirty, mean, and nasty and deserve to suffer. It’s your call: get back to joy or continue to suffer.

Actually, you’ve all probably had enough, so let’s get back to fun. After all, the great teacher said our mistakes could all be forgiven in an instant, so get ready to accept joy.

What About Fibromyalgia?

Let’s take fibromyalgia, for instance. If you kill off all the invading critters causing your incurable disease, it will probably go away. Then, you can focus on whatever you need to do to help your very intelligent body repair any damage.

With a little research, you can find out what worked for me. Maybe that will help you figure out what will work for you. The possibilities are endless, and disease may be something you never fear again once you know how to make sure it never takes over your life again.


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