Understanding Disease and Taking Charge of Your Health

Discovering the true causes of diseases often challenges what we’ve been told, including by our doctors. But did you know that there are simple ways to remove diseases from our bodies without needing medical help? It might sound unbelievable, but it’s true. I’ve had the chance to learn from some amazing healers who have helped millions of people beat dangerous diseases. What I’ve learned might surprise you and go against what mainstream medicine says. You might want to defend traditional medical treatments and medicines but hear me out.

Here’s a question to think about: Can your doctor show you someone they’ve completely healed from a life-threatening disease? Chances are, they can’t. They might have helped manage a disease, but curing it completely? That’s rare.

Let’s talk about how you can take control of your health and fight diseases on your own. Throughout history, people have been doing just that. Our planet provides everything we need to stay healthy, but we’ve neglected it, which has led to more health problems.

Cancer has been a longstanding presence in human history, with the oldest confirmed case dating back 1.7 million years in fossilized pre-human remains. However, in ancient times, while cancer may have existed, it typically did not lead to death as it often does today.

In modern times, the landscape has changed. Our contemporary lifestyle, characterized by processed foods, polluted air and water, and various environmental stressors, has created an environment conducive to the proliferation of cancer, along with other diseases and the unchecked growth of parasites and pathogens. This represents a departure from the historical condition of the human body.

It is arguable that modern medicine contributes to the deterioration of human health. Despite the United States’ highest healthcare costs, it has the highest death rate attributed to medical treatment. A 2005 study by Dr. Barbara Starfield highlighted the alarming number of Americans who succumb to medical errors, including those related to treatment, surgeries, and prescription medications.

Current death rate statistics do not reflect death by modern medicine as the third highest cause of death as it has been replaced by “Death Due to COVID-19” in second place.

Expanding on this perspective, one could assert that the prevalence of disease, a leading cause of death in the United States, is exacerbated by the American healthcare system. The system, along with pharmaceutical companies, may inadvertently promote the perpetuation and prolongation of diseases among Americans. While this phenomenon may exist to some extent in other countries, its prevalence and profitability are particularly pronounced in the USA.

Given these realities, the responsibility for maintaining disease-free health falls upon individuals. Medical professionals are typically not equipped to eliminate diseases from the body; rather, they focus on disease management. And I’m not blaming them; they only know what they know. They don’t know that people do not have to suffer from disease. They are simply following the formulas they have been given in medical school that gives them the highest rewards for treating sick people over a long period of time.

Therefore, individuals must take initiative, conduct their own research, and undertake efforts to safeguard their health. In a system where profit often takes precedence over wellness, this proactive approach becomes essential for preserving one’s health and well-being.

I’ve seen many natural alternative specialists who have helped people kick incurable diseases. These people, like Dr. Max Gerson, Dr. Andrew Weil, Jim Humble, Wayne Rowland and thousands of others, have had great success using alternative methods.

The choice is yours: Will you trust the traditional medical system, or will you explore other options for your health? It’s time to take control and make informed choices about your well-being.

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